They wanted to give their 8-year-old daughter Abigail a little brother, and they just gave her three. After a long wait to have ‘the little boy’, the happy surprise tripled for Magdalena and Michael, teachers by profession, who now have four children. The family lives in Cusco and they hope with much love that soon they will be able to be home with their triplets.

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“I did not imagine that there would be three. God gives them to us and I’m excited. I love them very much, and although I know that I will lack arms and hands to care for them, I know that with my husband and family we will get ahead “. the mother said happily, Cupcake Flowers (45).

She carried her pregnancy with great care and gave birth by caesarean section to two little women and a little man in the Adolfo Guevara Hospital of Cusco. The process was risky. They were born at 31 weeks gestation, without even weighing a kilo and a half each. and in a harsh context of protests in the country.

They are happy. Husbands wanted to enlarge the family. Mom and triplets are on the mend and will soon be able to all be home together. (EsSalud / Trome)

Babies are recovering in an incubator and will soon be able to be with their family at home.  (EsSalud / Trome)

Babies are recovering in an incubator and will soon be able to be with their family at home. (EsSalud / Trome)

What are the triplets born in Cusco called and how much did they weigh?

Two girls and a boy were born. “They already have a name. Adriana was born weighing 1 kilo 275 grams, Leandra weighing 1 kilo 350 grams and Liam weighing 1 kilo 135 grams.detailed to trome.

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Babies are premature and recover and incubators

“As they are premature, they are still in an incubator monitored; but they recover with much vitality. They are cute and a little boy came out, although I love them all the same and I love you ”, he said excited and looking at his wife, Miguel Caceres (45).

“The three babies receive the attention and care they require to go home healthy. The mother is also recovering ”, pointed the dDoctor María Chávez, head of Neonatology at the aforementioned hospital in isHealth.

Magdalena and Miguel have already seen their triplets together and although they know they are still in an incubator, on respiratory support and cannot take them home, they leave their breast milk for the staff to give their babies and strengthen them.

They are happy.  Spouses wanted to enlarge the family and have just had triplets.  Their little ones are recovering in an incubator and soon they will be able to hold them in their arms.  (EsSalud / Trome)

They are happy. Spouses wanted to enlarge the family and have just had triplets. Their little ones are recovering in an incubator and soon they will be able to hold them in their arms. (EsSalud / Trome)

Babies are recovering and soon they will be able to be with their family at home.  (EsSalud / Trome)

Babies are recovering and soon they will be able to be with their family at home. (EsSalud / Trome)

Know that:

  • Pediatricians, neonatologists, nurses and other specialistss monitor the evolution of the triplets.
  • Adolfo Guevara Hospital (Cusco) is the only one in the region that attends deliveries with a Neonatology area, ICU and intermediate care unit.
They are happy.  Spouses wanted to enlarge the family and have just had triplets.  Their little ones are recovering in an incubator and soon they will be able to hold them in their arms.  (EsSalud / Trome)

They are happy. Spouses wanted to enlarge the family and have just had triplets. Their little ones are recovering in an incubator and soon they will be able to hold them in their arms. (EsSalud / Trome)

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