It was last December that Supreme Court judge Jens Edvin Skoghøy (67) made headlines when he accused his wife, Nataliia Andreassen Skoghøy (41), of having poisoned him.

Today, the case was dropped on the state of the evidence.

– Now I am satisfied with the situation. I feel good, says Nataliia Skoghøy to TV 2.

When TV 2 meets her on Friday afternoon, she is not surprised by the police’s decision.

– I am clean. I was prepared for this.

See the interview here:

The 41-year-old Ukrainian has had the status of a suspect and was questioned by the police. After investigating the case for two months, the police believe that there is no evidence to support the accusation.

– She has explained to the police that she has not done what she was accused of and admits no criminal guilt. There was also no reasonable reason for suspicion in the case, so we could not examine mobiles and PCs for search history either, says police inspector Per Thomas Omholt to TV 2 on Friday.

No contact

Nataliia Andreassen maintains to TV 2 that she has not poisoned the Supreme Court judge.

– What do you think about the accusations?

– He has his personal motives.

Supreme Court Judge Jens Edvin Skoghøy is the judge with the longest seniority in Norway’s highest court.

PROFILED JUDGE: Supreme Court judge Jens Edvin A. Skoghøy is one of Norway’s highest-ranking judges. Photo: Lise Åserud/NTB

TV 2 has tried to get in touch with Skoghøy repeatedly, both before and after the closure was announced on Friday, without success.

Skoghøy’s workplace, the Supreme Court, will not comment on the case today either.

Nataliia Skoghøy says that she and her husband, who has filed for divorce, have no contact today.

– I don’t want to have contact with him either, she says and adds:

– I want to forget this relationship forever.

Tough months

Several media outlets published the Supreme Court judge’s story in December, and Nataliia Skoghøy later went out in VG to reject the accusations.

She describes the last few months as difficult.

DIFFICULT: Nataliia Skoghøy and her son hope to be able to continue establishing themselves in Norway.  Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

DIFFICULT: Nataliia Skoghøy and her son hope to be able to continue establishing themselves in Norway. Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

– It has been a shock. It has been stressful. In two weeks I lost five kilos, she says.

Now she hopes to be able to move on with her life in Norway.

– Now my son and I live in a nice place. We will go on a Norwegian course and take things step by step. The goal is to get a job or start a business in Norway.


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