
In a recent message posted on her Instagram stories, Jacob Forever made a strong statement about his artistic and personal stance.

“I am a king and a leader. I do not look at or follow anyone’s path and, by the way, from what is fashionable I choose what I truly like, not what others like.”the artist stated, making it clear that his focus is on his own vision and tastes, rather than following passing trends.

Although he has not mentioned whether this message is addressed to anyone in particular, this writing has not gone unnoticed among the followers of the Immortal, who see in the Cuban singer an example in many aspects.

Through the messages he publishes, the singer expresses his thoughts and it seems that this will give something to talk about, taking into account that Jacob Forever is one of the most acclaimed and beloved Cuban artists by the public.

Instagram screenshot

What do you think of Jacob Forever’s words?

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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