did you get that a windshield wiper gets upset because you didn’t let him give your car a wipe? It doesn’t happen every time, but when it does, it’s certainly an awkward time for any motorist.

Sadly, there are cases where it reaches a worse level, because Refusing to let a windshield wiper clean your car, cost a taxi driver his life in the middle of holy week

The windshield wiper stabbed the taxi driver with scissors / Illustrative photo: Cuartoscuro

Venezuelan windshield wiper kills a motorist who refused to have him clean his taxi

It all happened in the capital of PeruLima. Gian Marco Caro Nunez 30-year-old stopped at a traffic light at noon on Wednesday, April 5. As usual, a windshield wiper took advantage of the red light to approach motorists and offer your work.

However, It wasn’t a well-intentioned wiper.. The worker of Venezuelan origin was upset when Gian Marco did not accept that he clean the windshield of his taxi and, after arguing with him, he buried a pair of scissors in his chest, just at the level of his heart.

Windshield wiper stabs taxi driver for refusing to clean his car
The windshield wiper during his interrogation / Photo: Special (via El Popular of Peru)

The taxi driver was transferred to the Grau Emergency Hospital, but died due to the seriousness of the injury. He was traveling with his wife when he was attacked by the wiper washer in the center of Lima.

The guy says he killed the taxi driver in self-defense and he doesn’t regret it

local media like The popularspread the police questioning the windshield wiper after being arrested. He assured that the taxi driver had gotten out of the car to insult and assault him, but the security cameras that recorded the moment deny his entire version because it is only appreciated when he attacks the taxi driver, who never gets out of his car.

“And if that happens to you again, do it again, right?”asked one of the policemen. “I didn’t do anything to make him get off like that”answered. “Are you sorry for having taken someone’s life?”“I didn’t know he was going to die.”

The wiper was identified as José Alberto Jirón Holder, 22 years old.. The police maintain that even if the taxi driver had hit him, he would not apply self-defense for responding with a sharp weapon, since there would not be a level playing field.

What a pity that while some kids make an effort to remove the stigma against wiper washer studying to excel, subjects like this give people reasons to distrust.


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