You are currently viewing “I had emergency surgery”: Jennifer (Married at First Sight) reveals the cause of her scar and the serious illness she suffered

It’s a subject that she doesn’t often address, but faced with the curiosity of her fans, Jennifer Larivière agreed to talk about the scar she has on her stomach. In Instagram story, the participant Married at first sight revealed that he had been ill and had undergone a major operation.

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“What is the scar on your stomach? But it’s really discreet” When reality TV personalities launch into a question-and-answer session, fans can sometimes go far. But noting that this question about her scar often came up among her 215,000 followers, Jennifer Larivière, known for her participation in the M6 ​​show Married at first sight, agreed to answer it once and for all. I spoke about it once when I told you about the association for which I did the March of Champions”she recalled this Friday, September 29 in an Instagram story.

“I had hemolytic anemia” : Jennifer’s revelation (Married at First Sight) about her health

“I didn’t dwell on it any longer because I’m not here to complain. We all have experiences and we hear enough bad things, and me here, it’s good vibes”, justified the one who shares the life of Bruno Viera. But she still told what she experienced when she was a child. “At the age of 6, I was very ill”said Jennifer Larivière. “After weeks of searching, going through hospitals, they discovered that I had hemolytic anemia”, she said. According to the French Society of Hematologyit is a blood disease which is characterized by an abnormal decrease in the number of red blood cells.

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Jennifer Larivière underwent emergency surgery at the age of 6, her shocking testimony

“I had emergency surgery on my spleen and gallbladder”remembered the participant at Married at first sight. I was self-conscious (by) this scar for a long time. And after all, she is part of me, and as my son tells me: I am a true warrior like that !”said the 33-year-old young mother. “So don’t be self-conscious, because I was able to talk with some of you! You are beautiful as you are and you are warriors”she concluded.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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