You are currently viewing "I remember I was cold" : Dadju talks about his father’s abandonment and his life on the street (VIDEO)

Dadju was present on the set of What an era! this Saturday, September 16. The opportunity for the singer to look back in more detail on his childhood. Between his father’s abandonment and his homeless life, he confides without tongue in cheek

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Dadju has left his mark on the world of music thanks to his titles. Known to be the “little brother of Gims”, the artist is gradually erasing this image thanks to his numerous successes. Among them, Queen, Bob Marley, Jealous And My sun earned him numerous awards, including diamond and gold discs. In just five years of career, Dadju has grown a lot since his first solo album and continues to surprise his audience. This Wednesday, September 13, Dadju met viewers on Canal+ to discover the first episodes of the documentary series It’s going to go well, Dadju. In this series, we learn in particular why the birth of Dadju’s first child was a source of anxiety for him and above all what his life was like as a child. In order to talk about it in more detail, the singer was present on the set of What an era! to answer Léa Salamé’s questions.

Dadju told how his father abandoned him

Alongside Pierre Arditi and Muriel Robin, Dadju presented his documentary series It’s going to go well, Dadju on the set of What an era! When Léa Salamé wanted to look back on his childhood, the singer recounted how he experienced the departure of his father. I was 10/11 years old, I got up to go to school, I said goodbye to my fatherand when I come back, I don’t see him. From then on, I didn’t see him again for a number of years.”, he explains, not without emotion.

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Dadju remembered the period when he had to sleep outside

Dadju continued to confide in his unusual childhood. He notably recounted how, at the age of 11, he had to sleep in stairwells and in squats for eighteen months. He claimed that “it was difficult, but (he) did not realize the seriousness of things”. “I just remember it was cold. I don’t remember how difficult it was. It’s just seeing my mother cry that marked me”, said the singer.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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