If you do not want the lowest single check to arrive, you must send this document-proiezionidiborsa.it

The ISEE model is a very important document for accessing many bonuses, subsidies and income-related services. It is also fundamental for the purposes of determining the amount of the single cheque. For this you need to renew it annually and don’t forget this date if you don’t want to lose a lot of money

At the end of the year, due to the countless celebrations and appointments between relatives and friends, some important deadlines may have escaped. For example, the expiration of a very important document without which bonuses and concessions, such as the ISEE model, can be missed.

Those who are beneficiaries of income-related services must therefore hurry up to present the ISEE Model in order not to risk suspension. The same applies to those who are beneficiaries of the Single Allowance. In fact, even if the INPS has communicated that for many families who are already beneficiaries of the allowance it is not necessary to present a new application, the situation changes for the ISEE. In fact, for those who are already recipients, the application data will be taken from the institute’s archives and used to pay for the service.

As regards the determination of the amounts relating to January and February 2023 the ISEE valid at 31 December 2022 will continue to be used. But by 28 February it will be necessary to present the ISEE model if you don’t want to lose a lot of money.

If you don’t want the single check to arrive in the minimum amount, don’t forget this date

To continue to benefit from the full amount it is necessary to present the updated DSU, as specified by the INPS in circular no. 132 of 15 December 2022. In the absence of a new Single Substitute Declaration presented, the amount of the single check will be calculated with reference to the minimum amounts established by the reference legislation. In particular, those who fail to update will receive the minimum amount of 50 euros per child. Therefore, starting from March 2023, INPS will pay the minimum amount of the single check to all those who have not fulfilled this requirement.

The amount of the single check will be calculated with reference to the minimum amounts established by the reference legislation-proiezionidiborsa.it

The amount of the single check will be calculated with reference to the minimum amounts established by the reference legislation-proiezionidiborsa.it

If the interested parties present the DSU by 30 June 2023, the amounts already disbursed for 2023 will be adjusted from March 2023. In this case, the INPS will then also pay the arrears due starting from the aforementioned month of March.

How to update

In the aforementioned circular, INPS also recalls that interested parties may present the ISEE in the ordinary or pre-compiled form. In the case of a pre-compiled ISEE, simplified access methods are available to the ISEE system using one’s digital identity. All adult members who authorize the declarant to pre-compile the ISEE can do so, without having to produce the matching elements.

You can access the ISEE system using your digital-proiezionidiborsa.it identity

You can access the ISEE system using your digital-proiezionidiborsa.it identity

In fact, access by the declarant is also permitted if each adult component accesses the ISEE information system pre-compiled to authorize the pre-compilation of data. Therefore, if you don’t want the single check to arrive in the minimum amount from March onwards, don’t forget to update your ISEE by 28 February.


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