You are currently viewing “I’m out of air.”  Doctors from the Bucharest Maternity Hospital say that they are verbally assaulted after the case of Alexandra Ivanov

Doctors from the Maternity Hospital in Botoşani claim that they are verbally assaulted and threatened after the case of Alexandra Ivanov, the 25-year-old woman who died in the hospital due to the negligence of the medical personnel.

Protest for AlexandraPhoto: AGERPRES

Several doctors from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the County Emergency Hospital “Mavromati” Botoşani met, on Monday, with the prefect of the county, Sorin Cornilă, to analyze the activity of this department, affected by the scandal following the death of Alexandra Ivanov .

The doctors brought up the fact that, in the last period, the number of cases of verbal aggression by patients and their relatives towards the medical staff has increased.

“I had a discussion with some of the doctors from the Botoşani Maternity Hospital and with the manager of the County Hospital about the situation that arose there as a result of the death of Alexandra Ivanov. We tried to see how we can fix some of the problems that have arisen in the meantime. There are situations in which patients or relatives become violent, and medical personnel receive threats, during the on-call schedule. They asked me to support them because they feel threatened, they are stigmatized. I assured them of my support and assured them that I trust the medical staff in Botoşani. I am convinced that we have professional, dedicated, empathetic doctors who honor their profession. I think that, if in Alexandra’s case it was a medical fault or other problems, the truth will come out and justice will work”, declared prefect Sorin Cornilă, according to Agerpres.

Alexandra Ivanov died on August 18, almost nine hours after being admitted to the Botoşani Maternity Hospital. She was three months pregnant and arrived at the hospital on August 17, around 11:30 p.m., after complaining of pain and hemorrhage.

After she underwent a set of tests and was given an infusion, the medical staff ignored her all night. The next morning, her health worsened considerably, and she died in the Anesthesia – Intensive Care Unit.

The 25-year-old woman did not receive medical care for almost seven hours, according to a preliminary report drawn up by the Botoşani Public Health Directorate.

According to the cited source, patient Alexandra Ivanov was hospitalized at 11:30 p.m. with “external genital bleeding, hypogastric and lumbar pains”. The diagnosis established at admission was “suspended pregnancy, minor metrorrhagia, observation of secondary anemia”.

The health inspectors established that “from 00:45, when she was administered physiological serum and a medicine, until 07:35, no care maneuver was performed” for the young woman in question.


Tarun Kumar

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