An amendment provides for free validation of annuities made before the creation of the Mayotte Pension Fund in 1987, which means that today no inhabitant of the island has a full career. Jean-Rémi Baudot’s political brief.

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While the pension reform project does not apply to Mayotte, the government is nevertheless preparing to make a gesture for the 101st French department. According to information from franceinfo, the executive proposed an amendment to two deputies from the department to lead to pension increases of around 50 to 150 euros per month. A boost for Mahoran retirees who only receive an average of 280 euros today.

>> LIVE. Pension reform: the debates in the National Assembly are unblocked with the withdrawal by the left of a “thousand of amendments”

Amendment “20.563”, which franceinfo was able to consult, was discreetly tabled at the beginning of February. It plans to validate free of charge the annuities made before the creation of the Mayotte pension fund in 1987, which means that today no inhabitant of the island has a full career, and to apply a lump sum increase to all department pensions. These two measures combined should lead to this boost of 50 to 150 euros.

An annual cost of less than 10 million euros

This gesture by the government is also very political since it responds to repeated requests from a territory under pressure, with an explosive economic and social situation when 77% of the population lives there under the poverty line of 940 euros for a single person. In France. The two deputies from Mayotte, Mansour Kamardine (LR) and Estelle Youssaffa (LIOT), belonging to two political groups whose support the executive hopes for, had multiplied the questions to the government on pensions. According to our information, the executive finally sent them a turnkey amendment which they co-signed.

Knowing that there are barely more than 5,000 retirees in Mayotte, the annual cost of this measure will be less than 10 million euros. But since the population of the island is very young, the Mahoran scheme is in surplus and pays 70 million euros each year to the old-age insurance of mainland France.


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