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Apple is currently working hard on the iOS 17.1 beta.

Of course, it also brings some new functions and bug fixes. We have summarized them in a compact overview for you.

Favorites in Apple Music

In Apple Music It is possible to set favorites. These are then used by the algorithm to make better suggestions for broadcasters in the future. The app now also generates color-customizable playlist covers. And also AirDrop was improved.

From now on, AirDrop transfers can also be carried out via mobile phone providers, i.e. via the Internet and no longer just locally. The NameDrop-Feature that allows contact information to be shared between devices is also now available.

Interestingly, the new ringtones that Apple released in iOS 17 have disappeared in iOS 17.1. They will probably appear again in the next beta. What is still not there is the new one journal-Digital diary app. iOS 17.1 supports the N64 Switch controller for games and has a new dynamic Flashlightsicon received.

Lots of small adjustments

Finally, there are other little things:

  • Wallpapers can now be expanded to fit the screen width if they don’t fit
  • The Wallet app now supports bank accounts with balances in the UK
  • There are three options for you to set whether and when iPhone standby mode switches off
  • An indicator appears in the Dynamic Island when you flashlight turns on
  • If you pull down interfaces with the Dynamic Island, everything behind them is now black

iOS 17.0.3: Major security hole closed

Finally, a quick note on iOS 17.0.3: Like Apple here informed, iOS 17.0.3 closes a kernel security vulnerability that was known since iOS 16.5. The update is therefore recommended for all users.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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