Iowa Caucus confirms Trump's strong leadership

The victory was quite expected and without surprises. All national polls were responsible for measuring the pulse of voters and give the former president the status of great favorite to win as the Republican candidate in the presidential elections in November.

Trump’s leadership of the Republican Party has been clear since the day he announced his run for president 14 months ago.

Iowa Republicans reflected this strongly and gave the former president a resounding victory.

Iowa elige a Trump

Trump obtained 56,260 votes and 51%, while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis added 23,420 votes for 21.2%. The former governor of South Carolina and former ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, added 21,085 votes (19.1%).

For his part, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, who announced that he was withdrawing from the primaries after knowing the result, was fourth with 8,449 votes and 7.7%. Ramaswamy said he will dedicate himself to supporting Trump’s campaign for President.

This time, Iowans channeled their anger and their stance that basically everything what President Joe Biden has done has been a disaster”.

About 9 in 10 voters said they want significant transformation or change in the White House, according to AP VoteCast, a poll that included more than 1,500 voters who indicated they planned to participate in the caucuses.

Of the 40 delegates at stake in Iowa, Trump took 20 delegates and the governor of Florida

The work of the 45th president of the United States during his term is in numbers and results. Today, with the administration of Joe Biden, the country has registered the worst setback in the last five decades from the economy, the immigration chaos and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, the advance of the extreme left within Congress in Washington, public debt record of almost 34 trillion dollars, the worst contraction of manufacturing activity in more than 20 years, the war in Ukraine stimulated by the White House, the banking crisis in which three American banks declared bankruptcy and had to be absorbed by the system and by the federal government.

The mortgage industry has suffered the worst drop in sales in the last 14 years with mortgage rates above 8%, due to interest increases by the Federal Reserve as a way to confront the highest US inflation in almost five decades. And so are other negative indicators with the record fiscal deficit in 2022, the 11.9 million available jobs that companies could not cover for more than two years due to the excessive aid provided by the Biden government.

All these factors, together with the constant harassment against Trump and the judicial accusations, have influenced his popularity not only to increase but to solidify.

Decisive support

The Iowa caucuses the day before were the least intriguing in modern history due to the decisive support for Trump, after the enormous doubts about the final results of the 2020 elections.

In the midterm elections in 2022, more than 93% of the candidates supported by the former Republican president won their positions for governors, state and federal representatives and senators.

Trump’s trust in his followers is as great as the courage demonstrated in the face of political persecution since 2016. Trump traveled sporadically to Iowa and participated in few rallies, in addition to his refusal to attend and waste time in debates.

“My job is there, the Americans know it well, I have nothing to do in the face of the media and meaningless debates that seek to discredit and slander me,” Trump reiterated in various interviews when asked about the subject.

The former president, who remains the party’s favorite, clearly wants to move on to the general elections as quickly as possible. In his victory speech, he called on his party and the nation for unity and praised his opponents in a gesture of political goodwill.

Although the Iowa caucuses serve more to prepare the ground than to determine the winner, they showed that Trump has no rivalry within the Party and that is why the new Democrats and the extreme left look for all possible tricks to try to defeat him. Hence the unconstitutional and undemocratic decisions of the states of Main and Colorado to remove it from the ballot, something that has further caused the repulsion of conservative representatives and senators and tens of millions of voters.

The next destination

New Hampshire will be the next destination for the Republican primaries in the coming days.

New Hampshire is famous for springing surprises for both parties. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley noted that New Hampshire “corrects” Iowa, but Trump’s path seems unstoppable.

George W. Bush felt the pain that New Hampshire can cause in 2000 when Senator John McCain defeated him. Former Vice President Walter Mondale felt it, too, when Sen. Gary Hart of Colorado pulled off a surprise victory in the 1984 race.

But today things are not up to many surprises and the displeasure over the serious errors of the Biden administration and the Department of Justice against Trump have earned him greater support. No survey states otherwise.

So although the press is now insisting that New Hampshire could stop Trump’s overwhelming advance, it is quite difficult to believe when his closest rivals: DeSantis and Haley have not at any time demonstrated the power of convocation or convincing to give him a surprise to the former president.

According to liberal media, in the interest of moving opinion, Haley hopes to achieve a victory in New Hampshire or at least a strong turnout, like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who surpassed Haley to take second place in Iowa. but was 30 points behind the big favorite.

After New Hampshire comes a certain electoral calm until the next important race scheduled for February 24 in South Carolina.

About 4 in 10 Iowa caucus attendees named immigration as their top issue. On the other hand, 1 in 3 pointed out the precarious economic and financial situation of American families, according to VoteCast. Other priorities such as foreign policy, energy and abortion were lower on the list.

(email protected)

Source: With information from AFP, AP and other sources

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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