A user went viral on TikTok with a theory that turns and moves resurfaces on social media.

That the rides on apps like Uber and 99 can become more expensive if the user’s cell phone has a low battery.

This, however, was not the first time that transport apps are accused of modifying the price of the ride based on the battery of smartphones.

In 2016, Uber was accused of collecting user data for this purpose. According to what the company’s head of economic research revealed at the time, through the permissions granted when installing the application, the company knows that users tend to accept more expensive rates when their smartphone battery is running out.

Now, is this also happening in 2023? We tested this theory in practice and the editor of Canaltech, Igor Almenara, will tell us the result of this experience.

This is the Canaltech Podcast, published from Tuesday to Saturday, at 7 am on our website and on podcast aggregators.

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This episode was scripted and hosted by Gustavo Minari. The program also featured reports by Guilherme Haas, Fidel Forato, Igor Almenara, Giovana Pignati and Paulo Amaral. Edited by Jully Cruz. The audio review is by Gabriel Rimi and Mari Capetinga. The soundtrack is a creation of Guilherme Zomer and the cover of this program is made by Erick Teixeira.


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