Isabel Ordaz, from The one that is coming: With cancer you forget the word hope

Isabel Ordaz has gone through very delicate moments as a result of a colon cancer from which he has recovered, and which has led him to write his own book, Life elsewherewhere he explains everything that has happened during and after the illness.

An illness that the actress has now spoken about in an interview with Espejo Pblico this Friday: When they tell you what you have it’s complicated. Consciousness needs time, you are stupefied. The word cancer stays hanging around you. My body could be surrendered to medicine with tremendous therapies such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy.but what interested me was telling and making a story.

So, he decided to write, and finally came up with a novel that he recently brought to light: I didn’t write to publish a book, just to pull myself together. Psychologically, the self begins to stay in the background: it could no longer be professional, but rather a social being.

Isabel Ordaz has told Susanna Griso what it was like even when she received the cancer diagnosis: It’s like they tell you: You’re going to get on a rocket and go to the moon. That path of facing pain has been a game of lights and shadows. The disease is stigmatized in the society in which we live. We continually go towards the summit, triumph or victory. Cancer is the story of a failure and, socially, you see that people look at you in a strange way and you begin to see other people’s views.. You yourself also need to not be so outside. The windows are closed a little.

And for her, Cancer is scary, illness is scary, just like ruin is scary.. They are the legs of misfortune. The disease is not pleasant and it seems that it can be spread. When you are at home and they call you on the phone, it makes you very happy. The body abandons you and you can’t even fasten your shoes. I loved having visitors and friends come with a small package of cookies.

An illness that, after recovery, has left him with a lot of love for life and great solidarity. Of course, she has stressed that she is now much more sensitive than before: With cancer you forget the word hope because it implies a futureand with this disease you live day by day, the most immediate present.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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