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They denounce the murder of 120 civilians in Mali at the hands of the Army and Russian mercenaries

Political and associative organizations in northern Mali They denounced the murder of 120 civilians at the hands of the Malian military and mercenaries from the Russian Wagner group since last May.

The spokesman for the Permanent Strategic Framework (CSP, the de facto independence authority in northern Mali, a region known as Azawad), Mohamed Uld Ramadan, said that only between the 15th and 21st of this month these forces killed a total of 30 civilians were killed and another 40 were arrested.

He explained that these murders occurred in the towns of Touzek, Tanaynayt y Tidjoranchitan, of the province of Kidal; in Tadjalalt, Tinaghay and Fassanfass, in Gao, and in Djaloubé, located in the province of Timbuktu.

Ould Ramadan gave as an example of these violations the murder of ten civilians on the 20th this month in Abeibara, located in Kidal. He said that some of these people had been arrested by Malian forces and Wagner mercenaries and later found dead.

He added that during the same week, the imam of the village of Chinam, near Diré (Timbuktu), died under torture Shortly after his arrest, the same thing happened to the mayor of the town of Djaloube, in the same area, who died after being tortured a week after his arrest.

The CSP collective, created in 2021brings together the northern groups that signed the 2015 Algiers peace agreement, which provides for greater autonomy for northern Mali, after the war that broke out in 2012 between the northerners and the central government.

For its part, the Kal Akal association, active in the defense of human rights in northern Mali, stated in a recent report that A total of 90 civilians were killed in that area during the month of May in summary executions.

The association stated that This is the visible part of the massacres committed by the Army and Wagner, since he regretted that he does not have the necessary tools to carry out an exhaustive account of all violations of the right to life in northern Mali.

He explained that the deadliest massacre was perpetrated on the 19th in the town of Amassine, in Kidal, where he said that Malian troops and Russian militias killed in summary executions and They burned 30 civilians. According to the report, on the 25th the same forces killed eight civilians in the town of Aghazraghan, in the Ménaka area, in the northeast of the country.

The letter denounced that Malian troops and Russian mercenaries they don’t just kill and arrest civilians, but organize extensive operations to loot their property.

This country in the unstable Sahel region, governed by a coup military junta since 2020 that has turned to Wagner for its anti-terrorist operations, is scene of continuous attacks perpetrated by the Islamic State (IS) and the local affiliate of Al Qaeda, called the Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims (GSIM).

In recent months, imprecise and indiscriminate reactions from the Malian Army, supported by mercenaries of the Russian group Wagner, They have also caused massacres in the ranks of civilians, denounced by institutions such as the UN.

According to the platform ‘Armed Conflict Location And Event Data Project(ACLED), which monitors violence around the world, between May 2023 and the same month this year, 4,394 people died in Mali in violent events carried out by non-state groups and another 2,277 at the hands of state forces.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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