It is well said that Peruvians are experts in assuming defeats as opportunities. And proof of it is Lady Angelica Suxe Ramirez, who risked everything to open the business of his dreams: ‘Confetti’, a store of personalized details, which pandemic it took a radical turn and became a winery. Today it is the most visited multimarket in the San Germán urbanization, in San Martín de Porres.

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“I always liked decoration, but I didn’t have a chance to dedicate myself completely. It was only when I lost my job (as a financial assistant) that I decided to be an entrepreneur and gamble for my dreams with ‘Confetti’. At the beginning it was very difficult The entrepreneur must know that the first year is not won, everything is reversed”, says the 37-year-old merchant, who after a while partnered with Sara Ruiz to get the business off the ground.

Lady partnered with Sara Ruiz to get the business off the ground. Today they are a great team. Photo: Lenin Thaddeus.

Everything was going well until the coronavirus arrived and the debts were piling up. “I had loans to pay, water, electricity, rent for the premises, nobody understood that we were paralyzed. So I took advantage of the operating license and we supplied the store as a warehouse. I remember that the first day we filled it with groceries I began to cry, I felt that I had failed, I was afraid. Of course, I did not imagine the great reception that she was going to have ”, says Lady, who is in charge of delivery with her cart.

And just as his business went from being a 20 m2 warehouse to a 60 m2 multimarket (in the middle of the corner), not only assortment of basic products, groceries, liquor and stationery, it also has a ‘health zone’ where it sells gluten-free foods, Korean products, and a space where it offers personalized gifts that it prepares itself. They serve from Monday to Sunday.

“My dream is to put ‘Confetti’ multimarket throughout Lima, open a virtual store with a payment gateway and promote the business’s social networks”, says Suxe Ramírez.


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