The winter holidays are approaching for many Norwegians. But with rising prices for most things, many people have realized that they have to save where they can.

Despite the fact that many are struggling to make ends meet, there are many indications that many Norwegians will be traveling to the mountains during the winter holidays.

Commercial director of Finn Reise, Terje Berge, says that they are experiencing a large increase in the number of users on their pages.

– It has been an absolutely fantastic start to 2023, with a record number of bookings for holiday homes in Norway. This is something that started during the pandemic, and has continued this year and.

– It is surprising

Consumer economist Thea Olsen at DanskeBank tells TV 2 that if you plan to travel to the mountains during the winter holidays, you should be aware of where you spend your money.

She is surprised that there are so many people who now spend a lot of money.

– People spend a lot of money despite the fact that it is an expensive time. People take advice and treat themselves to going on holiday. I find that surprising when the prices in society are so high.

CONSUMER ECONOMY: Thea Olsen is a consumer economist. She is surprised that so many people are going on winter holiday now. Photo: Photo: Martin Berg Isaksen / TV 2

Among the things that cost money on holiday, she points out that a simple lunch in the conservatory for a family can cost around NOK 1,000. She believes this is something you should be aware of.

– Many small amounts can quickly grow large during a week where many treat themselves a little extra. This is not about not enjoying yourself, but being aware of what the holiday costs you overall, says Olsen.

SKIING: A record number of Norwegians are going to the mountains during the winter holidays.  Photo: Halvard Alvik / NTB

SKIING: A record number of Norwegians are going to the mountains during the winter holidays. Photo: Halvard Alvik / NTB

She believes that this winter holiday could be the most expensive ever, especially for those families who have made plans to go to the mountains to go skiing. The consumer economist has some simple steps you can take to make your holiday a little cheaper.

– Bring a packed lunch and borrow equipment for free via BUA or from friends and acquaintances. Pack a lunch in your bag when you’re going out on the alpine slopes or on a ski trip. Food and drink in the hothouses are expensive.

In addition, she recommends finding other activities than just standing on the ground every day.

This increases

The animal season causes most things to increase in price. This also applies to the prices for accommodation on the country’s alpine slopes.

Prices have increased for one type of rental property in particular.

– Due to the high prices in society, the price of renting cabins on the mountain has also risen by around 20 per cent. It is especially large cabins that require a lot of electricity or those with jacuzzis that have risen in price, says Berge.

CLEAR TREND: Berge says that more people are going on a winter holiday in the mountains this year.  Photo: Finn Reise

CLEAR TREND: Berge says that more people are going on a winter holiday in the mountains this year. Photo: Finn Reise

In addition, Berge states that it is likely that the lack of snow in Europe could increase the pressure, because there is still a lot of snow in Norway.

He emphasizes that Finn Reise does not have good figures on this.

The lack of snow is also something Olsen highlights.

– I think part of the reason why there is so much pressure on the alpine centers during the winter holidays is that there is a lack of snow in Europe. There is still a lot of snow in Norway, so there are many tourists who come here to ski, says the consumer economist.

– The booking indicates that there will be an increase

In Hafjell and Kvitfjell, they are preparing for a major advance from next week.

They already have many visitors from Denmark, where the winter holiday starts a week before it does in Norway. This means that they see an increase of 20 per cent more visitors this week. But how it will be next week, when the winter holidays start in Norway, is not so easy to say.

– But throughout February we have had an increase compared to last year, says communications manager at Alpinco, Veslemøy Eineteig Wedum.

Alpinco operates Hafjell and Kvitfjell.

KITFJELL: Many people have put their winter holiday plans to Kvitfjell.  Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

KITFJELL: Many people have put their winter holiday plans to Kvitfjell. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

– It is difficult to say yet how the winter holiday weeks will turn out, but bookings indicate that there will be an increase when we look at pre-sold cards and booking accommodation, says Wedum.

Wedum is pleased that so many people have already booked trips to Hafjell and Kvitfjell. She points out that there have been many gloomy predictions for the ski industry, since many will not use their cabins or afford ski holidays.

– Considering the world view and the financial situation many are in, we are incredibly happy that this year’s season is looking so good.

– Many may choose inland travel as a cheaper ski holiday than traveling to Europe or other countries, and considering that the winter is so good, it may be that many also think they get more for their ski holiday in their own country versus traveling abroad, says Wedum.

– Demand continues

In Trysil, they are also prepared for a big push from skiing-loving Norwegians.

Destination manager Gudrun Sanaker Lohne at SkiStar Trysil tells TV 2 that they feel that many families have prioritized going on a skiing holiday this year as well.

– We have a large demand during the winter holidays and feel that people prioritize the winter holidays.

Lohne does not have a clear explanation for why there are so many people who have decided to go to Trysil despite the high prices in society. She is also not sure whether the lack of snow in Europe has much to say.

TRYSIL: The slopes of Norway's largest ski resort will soon be filled with ski tourists Photo: Halvard Alvik / NTB

TRYSIL: The slopes of Norway’s largest ski resort will soon be filled with ski tourists Photo: Halvard Alvik / NTB

– It is difficult to say whether the lack of snow in other countries is the reason why more people will visit us during the winter holidays. Many people order well in advance with us.

– But we have a very stable climate here in the interior and we are known for our snow safety.

In addition to the fact that it is expected that a great many visitors will come to Trysil in the coming weeks, it does not appear that the visitors will make any changes in their spending.

– Nor does it seem that the visitors leave any less money with us. They go out to eat and do other activities as usual, says Lohne.


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