With the aim of always keeping its readers informed, the newspaper EL DIA incorporates a new service. This is the WhatsApp Community, a tool through which users will instantly receive the latest news and updates on their phones, both from La Plata, the Province, the country and the world.

Joining this initiative is very simple, as well as free since you only need to have the app installed on your mobile. Just click on this link and agree to join the “EL DIA informs you” Community. In this way, you will be receiving daily updates of the notes of the THE DAY website and special reports published in the print edition.

With this new initiative, you will always be informed with the latest news and instantly, so you don’t miss a thing. The service will send 2 daily summaries (in the morning and at night), and high-impact breaking news, so it is not intended to send massive messages. In addition, it is clarified that the Community does not allow interaction between those who make up the group, so only messages will be received from EL DIA’s WhatsApp.

It should be noted that the WhatsApp instant messaging application recently added this function that allows groups of users to be unified in a larger space. This novelty of the popular app admits bringing together a certain number of groups that have some thematic relationship with each other under the same structure.

The objective, according to the company, is that users can be organized into larger groups according to what is required, in this case the newspaper ELDIA, which seeks to keep readers informed.


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