Jorge Montoya believes that the authorities must serve the five years for which they were elected.

The discrepancies between parliamentarians go beyond the walls of the legislative Palace, especially in the face of the constant and failed attempts to approve a bill to advance elections. the congressman Jorge Montoya has responded to criticism from his colleague dignified street who pointed out that the national representation prefers not to leave their seats “because now they earn more and have changed their lifestyle.”

The spokesman for popular renewal In conversation with RPP, he said he was offended by Calle’s statements and insistence. He recalled that he has invited her to step aside on several occasions. “I told him to ask license last year, ask for it and go to Miami like he’s living there all the time. Let her go rest easy. She is saying that we all leave as if it were a solution, ”she indicated.

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Montoya believes that handing over the post to new authorities is an attitude typical of cowards and those who are not committed to duty. The position of the member of the celestial party has been, from the beginning, to respect the five-year period for which he was elected. Together with his colleagues, José Cueto and Gladys Echaíz are one of the few voices that remain firm in this position.

Jorge Montoya is a member of Renovación Popular.  (Andean)
Jorge Montoya is a member of Renovación Popular. (Andean)

The advancement of general elections does not mean a way out of the crisis, according to Montoya. Even though the vast majority of the population disapproves of the work of the national representation and it has shown itself incapable of reaching consensus on a project of great importance, the former member of the Peruvian Navy insists that order must prevail in the country.

“That is not a political agenda, it is a violent agenda,” Montoya said about the attempts to call new elections. Likewise, he pointed out to parties such as Podemos Peru, Partido Morado and Fuerza Popular as being motivated by electoral interests. It should be remembered that the first projects to advance elections were born from the first two, which received little attention at the time.

It may interest you: 17 projects to advance elections do not see the light in Congress despite the crisis in Peru

If by chance President Dina Boluarte considers that she does not have the capacity to stop the wave of violence that has been taking place, the best thing would be for her to resign, Montoya assured. Instead, next in line of command is the president of the Congress. “The Executive is the one that has the key in hand and has not used it due to incapacity,” he said, referring to the general state budget that affects all regions.

More than 50 people have died during the protests against Dina Boluarte.
More than 50 people have died during the protests against Dina Boluarte.

So far there are discrepancies between the benches in Congress on the development of the early elections. Although it is a measure supported by the majority, details such as the date of the elections and the holding of a referendum for a Constituent Assembly maintain the differences between politicians. No measure has reached the necessary 66 votes.

Last December, the project to advance elections to the 2024 It had the support of 97 parliamentarians, but a second vote is needed, which has not been scheduled so far. This is the initial proposal of the Executive that after the intensification of the protests and the increase in deaths in this has lost support. Elections are expected to take place any time this year if consensus is reached.


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