Juan Manuel Cao enters the world of espionage

MIAMI.- Spy Islanda special series of Juan Manuel Caocomes to the program Deeplywhich the journalist hosts on the América TeVé screen in the 8 pm slot.

The series, eight reports that will be delivered in five chapters from June 17 to 21, sheds light on the espionage Cuban in North American territory and how the Castro regime uses the diplomatic façade to operate clandestinely, the production reported in a statement.

This journalistic investigative work comes after the recent capture of ambassador Víctor Manuel Rocha, who confessed guilty of spying for Cuba for four decades.

The audiovisual material shows images of a Cuban intelligence officer in New York exchanging secret information with his agent in Miami. The officer caught on camera was a diplomat from the Cuban embassy to the UN who was expelled by the State Department. This is an event that occurred after the case of Ana Belén Montes and that of Red Avispa. And although it caused a scandal, it did not receive much attention in the media, the production noted in the statement.

Now, 32 years later, Cao was part of the journalistic team that recorded the spies in action and managed to obtain the testimony of the former Cuban ambassador to the United Nations who is now in exile.

“The most recent events give great relevance to the issue of espionage, especially after the recent arrest, confession and conviction of Ambassador Víctor Manuel Rocha. Also due to the new ties between Cuba and Russia, especially in matters of espionage and military collaboration. And because by obtaining today the testimony of who was then the Cuban ambassador to the UN, we were able to know what happened inside the Castro embassy when we filmed one of its main diplomats in the middle of espionage work. It is, in some way, covering the same news over three decades,” Juan Manuel Cao told DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS about the relevance of exposing this information in current times.

For Cao, recording these reports was like filming an action movie, a unique experience that he lived with his colleagues and together they faced the challenge of reporting without being discovered.

“It was a unique experience, all the action, the secrecy, the tension, the very fact of spying on a professional spy and managing to record their entire secret conversation, it was like living an action movie. The team was made up of Pablo Gato, Leticia Herrera and Jorge Lewis, with the support of José Cancela. And for everyone, the biggest challenge was not to be discovered during the investigation, to work with total discretion so that nothing was leaked,” said the journalist.

The investigation also exposes clandestine documents that show techniques used by Cuban espionage: encrypted codes, open radio messages, maps with escape routes, contact points in Manhattan, Mexico, or at Cuban border posts, licenses and social security cards. with false names, as well as the aggressive instructions given by Havana to its agents in Miami.

Furthermore, it reveals that the regime has organized self-attacks and financed exile paramilitary organizations for propaganda purposes.

Another of the reports addresses the dangerous link between Moscow and Havana, with the testimony of a former officer of the DGI political line who studied in two academies that the KGB had in the Russian capital to train spies at the highest level. The interviewee remembers the subjects that were taught in these institutions.

Another chapter investigates the structure of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) and the modus operandi of this body of the island’s regime.

Regarding the learning that this series leaves us about the tricks used by the Havana regime, he commented:

“The great lesson is that the Cuban Intelligence services continue to be as aggressive today as they were thirty years ago. And that it is a mistake to belittle them.”

The Island of Spies, from Monday, June 17 to Friday, June 21, in the program A Fondo, with Juan Manuel Cao, on América Tevé.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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