Julin Muoz, admitted urgently: He is going to undergo intravenous treatment

When Julin Muoz He was admitted to the Costa del Sol Hospital in Marbella, the city of which he was mayor, an aura of secrecy covered everything that was said about his health. As the days go by, especially after leaving the health center after requesting voluntary discharge to continue treatment at home, information about his condition trickled in. Then came his confession. According to Ten minutesMuoz himself expressed destroyed and on the verge of tears that he had a galloping cancer.

That was at the beginning of April. Two months later, the alarms regarding Muoz’s health are ringing loudly again. This Wednesday he went to the hospital visibly deteriorating, with difficulty moving and with his daughter Elia, who was holding a bag. The pieces of the puzzle have been connected by Luis Pliego in TardeAR: has been admitted to the hospital again after significantly worsen your state of health.

The family is very worried and has asked him to visit his medical team because he was experiencing discomfort that did not stop.revealed the director of Readingsthen pronouncing the words that caused the scare on stage: Julin’s illness has entered a new phase that could be definitive and he will undergo intravenous treatment.

The wedding with Mayte Zaldvar

Muoz surrounds himself these days with the people he loves, with his close circle. One of the pillars that are giving the greatest support to the former councilor is his ex-wife (and, now, a woman), Mayte Zaldvar. Although it is true that during the 18 days that he was admitted to the hospital he served as spokesperson for the family, it has not been this beautiful job that has taken over the covers of magazines in recent weeks. It was only the exclusive that José Antonio León gave in Friday!: Both had remarried on January 30 in a notary in Marbella.

This union, which was attended by Fernando Marcos, Zaldvar’s current partner, It had been brewing since Muoz received the third degree of prison in 2016as revealed by Paloma García-Pelayo in And now Sonsolesy His goal was to repair all the damage he had done to his ex-wife. when, back in 2003, he left her to start a relationship with Isabel Pantoja, one of the most publicized episodes that the gossip press has known in Spain.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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