Kiko Matamoros, open to a new fatherhood

When Kiko Matamoros y Marta López lamo They got married last summer, they were probably already accustomed to the criticism that, since the first day of dating, back in 2019, has been showered on their relationship in the form of a incessant rain that is just as sharp today that then. They have turned a deaf ear to all the comments, appearing together at numerous public events and sharing through social networks a multitude of photographs together that confirm the reality of your feelings.

The truth is that their idyll grows day by day. And with it, the couple’s plans. This Tuesday Kiko Matamoros surprised the confess openly in It’s not like we were his firm desire to be a father again, motivated by the love, the adoration, that he feels towards her. Far from hiding it, he displays it, openly proud of his wife and of everything they are building by hand, the icing on the cake of which would be, precisely, and in her opinion, the paternity.

She is the woman I have loved the most

If God wants us to have a child, it will be great.said the talk show host, who already has four children, Luca (1985), Diego (1986), Laura (1993) and Irene (1998), all the result of his marriage to Marín Flores, adding later that nothing would make him happier than his relationship with Marta López lamo led to a baby: I would like to leave this world having had a child with the woman I have loved the most.

These words came out of his mouth full of hope; optimism that has not been shaken in any case when explaining that they are currently putting in the means, understanding that it is a mutual decision: She can’t find the time, and I understand her. Belén Esteban then intervened, asking, quickly and quickly, if she was the woman he had loved the most in his entire life. And he didn’t doubt it: She is the woman I have loved the most by far.

Every time he has referred to his partner it has been to shower her with praise. Every day that I see my wife in the media, I am more convinced of how lucky I have been to have a woman who understands me so much and who puts up with me so much, because you have to put up with me.he acknowledged, assuming that he was more possessive or absorbing, that there was no jealousy between the two and that, in short, he could not imagine a future without her presence: I have made my life to be with her.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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