Tonatiúh Rubín / Agencia Reforma

martes, 11 april 2023 | 17:04

Mexico City.- Although naturally curious, some cats could nibble on or eat plants that are toxic to them. This is an innate behavior, according to Affinity Petcare, so tutors should avoid those potentially dangerous species for children.

If the domestic felines enchant the flora, a safe alternative is to offer them herbs for cats, which are on sale at pet stores.

Many of the potentially dangerous plants taste bad, which is why it is rare that a cat ingests enough quantity to cause permanent damage, according to the Grupo de Especialidad de Medicina Felina (GEMFE) of the Asociación de Veterinarios Españoles Specialists in Small Animals ( AVEPA).

However, specialists recommend eliminating this type of plants at home to prevent any unnecessary exposure, especially in cases of dogs and exclusively homemade pets.

When taking care of the garden, it is advisable to remove the most toxic plants and to be close to you some vecino has species considered dangerous.

What to do with an intoxicated cat?

GEMFE urges owners to contact a veterinarian immediately if a cat suddenly collapses, has sudden vomiting, severe diarrhea or signs of excessive irritation in the skin of the mouth or throat, such as reddening, swelling, blisters or ulcers.

An apathetic child who does not eat during one or more days could have ingested something inappropriate.

On the suspicion that it has consumed something that could be toxic, you should not try to make the cat vomit, but take it to a veterinary doctor with a sample of the plant to help the expert find a treatment or an antidote.

You must indicate the time of ingestion and the appearance of any symptom.

What indoor plants are dangerous?

According to GEMFE, indoor plants represent the greatest risk for cats. Some to consider are the following:

+ Acebos (genus Ilex).

+ Acuya (genus Piper).

+ Aphelandra (genus Aphelandra).

+ Paraguayan tree (genus Schefflera).

+ Azaleas (genus Rhododendron).

+ Cannabis sativa, hemp or marihuana (genus Cannabis).

+ Cerezo de Navidad (genus Solanum).

+ Cica (genus Cycas).

+ Cyclamen (genus Cyclamen).

+ Chrysanthemums and margaritas (genus Chrysanthemum).

+ Crotón (genus Codiaeum).

+ Moses cuna (genus Spathiphyllum).

+ Diefembaquia (genus Dieffenbachia).

+ Estrella de Belén (genus Ornithogalum).

+ Amaryllidaceae family (includes ajo, onion and poro or puerro, as well as ornamentals).

+ Family Araceae (including rumps, anthuriums, philodendrons and monsteras or Adán ribs).

+ Genus Kalanchoe.

+ Helechos.

+ Hiedras (genus Hedera).

+ Hierba de Santiago (genus Jacobea).

+ Higuerilla (genus Ricinus).

+ Hoja de blood (genus Hypoestes).

+ Hyacinth (genus Hyacinthus).

+ Hyacinth of South Africa (genus Ornithogalum).

+ Flower laurel or adelpha (genus Nerium).

+ Day lilies (genus Hemerocallis).

+ Lily of the valleys (genus Convallaria)

+ Lilies or azucenas (genus Lilium).

+ Muérdago blanco (genus Viscum).

+ Daffodils (genus Narcissus).

+ Autumn daffodil or woodpecker (genus Colchicum).

+ Nochebuena (genus Euphorbia).

+ Oregano brujo (genus Plectranthus).

+ Elephant ear (genus Alocasia).

+ Cebra plant (genus Aphelandra).

+ Potos (genus Epipremnum).

+ Tulipanes (genus Tulipa).

With information from Affinity Petcare, AniCura, GEMFE, NaturaLista and Purina


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