Latest news on political news, live: Congress completes approval of the amnesty law

Congress approves the amnesty law this Thursday

He Congress of Deputies definitively approves the amnesty law this Thursday and leaves it in the hands of the judges, who will be in charge of applying it once the law is published in the BOE and comes into force.

Six months after being registered in the Lower House by the Socialist Party alone, but with the express support of all government partners and parliamentarians, the law that provides amnesty for around 370 people prosecuted for the process will come to light with the foreseeable support of 178 votes in favor compared to 172 against,

A rule that the Executive approves “in favor of the normalization of coexistence in Catalonia” and that It was agreed with the Catalan independentists of ERC and Junts in exchange for their support for the investiture of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

The law has had a tortuous processing due to the frontal opposition of the PP and Vox, who have tried to stop it in both Congress and the Senate. In the Upper House, the popular parties are delaying their procedure to the maximum of two months allowed by the regulations.

After various reports from lawyers, some in favor of processing the amnesty and others against, and after arduous debates and some conflict such as the one posed by the Senate to Congress over the powers of the Chambers and which was finally withdrawn, the amnesty was approves and passes into the hands of the judges, who will be in charge of resolving each case that arises within a period of two months.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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