Laura Escanes charges against lvaro de Luna while playing never-never: I drink the whole bottle...

It seems that Laura Escanes is quite upset with the Shakira-style attitude expressed by Álvaro de Luna since they both put an end to their love story. The singer has taken advantage of his breakup with the content creator to dedicate up to three songs to her and the occasional barb in his lyrics. The last one? FGLC (A little while), a song that narrates the different stages of a love story and whose title is reminiscent of the new album by the singer from Barranquilla: Boyz Dont Crythat is, men do not cry.

The recipient of these attacks did not remain with her arms crossed and used her social networks to attack her ex-partner. Look, I’m going to let it go because from being so silent I end up burning inside, but this thing about having to be quiet while others make songs… lol, she began by saying and then assured in another tweet: Love, you are not the Shakira of history, enough.

Weeks later, The influencer has returned to the fray, but this time she has done it on the podcast Top it with wine, presented by well-known content creators Mara Fernndez-Rubes (Frubies) and Roco Irisarri. I give you my presentation Hello, my name is Laura, I am 27 years old, I have a daughter and I am divorced, this is how Escanes introduced herself before submitting to the questions of one of the most daring games such as never have I ever, where the participants drink a drink of their cup or drink in case they have done the asked action.

One of the drivers rescued lvaro de Luna’s recent insults to the guest. Have they ever dedicated a song to you?to which she responded while grabbing her glass of red wine: I have to drink the whole bottle. Scanes also agrees Risto Mejide. The influencer asked the podcast audience to They never tattoo anything related to their partners because she has the presenter’s signature engraved on her buttock.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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