Leader of the radical left in Spain resigns from the leadership of his party

MADRID — Yolanda Díaz, the leader of the platform left radical Sumar, who governs in coalition with the socialists in Spain, He announced this Monday that he is leaving the leadership of his party after the setback suffered in the European elections.

“I have decided to leave my position as coordinator of Sumar,” the number three in the government, who will continue in her position in the executive led by Pedro Sanchez.

“It is my responsibility, the citizens have spoken,” added the Minister of Labor, who said that now “a debate” must be opened in Sumar, a platform that brings together almost all left and radical left parties, about his leadership.

The Spanish extreme left won five seats on Sunday in the European elections, against six in 2019, but within the framework of bitter disputes between Sumar, which won three seats, and Podemos, a historic formation of the radical left, which won the other two.

Podemos Party in decline

Podemos agreed to join Sumar before the legislative elections in July 2023, but a few months later it left the platform.

The European elections in Spain were won by the conservatives of the Popular Party, who obtained 22 seats in the European Parliament and see in this victory the confirmation of “a new political cycle” in the country, governed by the left since 2018.

The Socialist Party of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, obtained 20 European seats.

In the legislative elections of July, the socialists also came in second place, but they managed to forge alliances in Parliament that the PP did not have enough to be able to govern, despite having come in first position.

Sánchez managed to be re-elected in November with the support of the extreme left and regional nationalist and independence parties in exchange for amnesty for terrorists.

On Sunday, the right-wing Vox came in third place, with 6 MEPs, two more than in 2019, and another right-wing formation emerged, “The party is over”, which enters the European Parliament with 3 seats.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

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