Lessons from dictator Nicolae to dictator Nicholas

I have already recommended in the past to @NicolasMaduro and @ConCiliaFlores that they immerse themselves in the errors and consequences of a couple as vile and detested as they are: Nicolae Ceauescu and his wife Elena, unrepentant oppressors of the Romanian people from 1967 to Christmas Day 1989.

The two Romanians, when they sent ‘their’ troops to attack the people in the streets on December 17, 1989, never imagined that by the 25th of the same month they would be the ones on the other side of the AK 47 rifles of those who were their ‘loyal’ soldiers.

Nicolas and Cilia, I have not the slightest doubt that you two are fully aware of the endless crimes you have committed and their logical consequences. I also imagine the fear, or perhaps panic, that this generates in you. On the eve of July 28, things are not easy for you because of yourselves. But reflect and do not comment on the last and fatal error whose consequences would be irreversible. Understand that you have reached the end of a long, criminal and vile flight forward. The task lasted too long, and impunity too long. But every yoke, every imposition, has an outcome and you can determine whether your whereabouts are a bench and a more than deserved punishment, or something much more cruel and lapidary. Reflect.

They have played with the lives of Venezuelans as they wished, they have destroyed millions of families and countless livelihoods, ventures, dreams and futures. The time has come for deep reflection. Do not allow the brave people of Venezuela to become really brave and end up like those Romanians who felt all-powerful and immortal. You, like them, are above all, and by your own merits, despicable and despised. Reflect.

Nicolás and Cilia, put an end to your reign of terror, leave Venezuela in peace and take the path that suits the country, and that also suits you best. Do not ask or expect clemency if you are not willing to say, ‘this is as far as we go and we understand the consequences of what we have done.’ Stop pointing the rifles of the Republic at the heads and hearts of a noble people who you have humiliated and starved and whose pent-up fury can easily be unleashed and put a favorable end to Tyranny, tyrants and petty tyrants.

Nicolas and Cilia, the next few days are for reflection. Reflect. Learn the lesson of Nicolae and Elena, two conceited Romanians who did not properly measure the consequences of their actions, who became blind, deaf and finally, mute dust.

Here is the film that I hope you have seen, although I doubt you have. Watch it this weekend as a review and a warning. Spare us and yourselves more suffering. via @rtve

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By Pedro Mario Burelli

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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