The celebration of New Year It is one of the most important in China, as it is also known as the Spring Festival. However, it does not start on January 1 as in the western custom. The arrival of this period brings with it various activities and here we will tell you what the calendar is.

This January 22, the Year of the Water Rabbit beginswhich will last until February 9, 2024.

However, in Chinese culture, preparations for the arrival of this new period are made seven days before the date.

For those who are interested in the type of activities that are carried out, here we leave the schedule.


According to the Travel to China portal, there are several activities that take place in China even before the arrival of the New Year. Next, we will put the most important ones.

December 30, 2022: Laba Festival

Although it usually begins on December 30, some even start the Laba Festival from the 8th of that month. Mainly, it consists of praying to the ancestors and gods, asking that this year be full of good harvests and fortune. Its name comes from dishes like soup, tofu, and Laba noodles.

January 14, 2023: Cleaning the house

Another of the customs prior to receiving the Chinese New Year is to carry out a deep cleaning of the houses. Its purpose is to get rid of the old stuff and prepare for the new. In contrast, it is a tradition not to clean during the first days of the new period, as it is believed that this would be getting rid of good luck.

January 15 to 21, 2023: New Year’s Shopping

During this period, purchases of food, decorations and clothing are made to receive the New Year. It is one of the moments in which more sales occur together with the Christmas season.


Although the above activities were several weeks before the Chinese New Year, there are nine more that usually take place on the eve of that daywhich in this case falls on January 21, 2023.

1. Placement of Gods images on the door

They usually put images of one of the Chinese deities on the doors, either printed or traditionally carved in wood. It is a symbol of prayer for blessings, health, longevity and peace. Meanwhile, if two are placed, it is intended to prevent the entry of demons or evil spirits into the place.

2. Spring Sayings Placement

Along with the images, they also place Chinese sayings on the door margins, which usually consist of seven characters on red paper. While some write them themselves, more often they buy them done.

3. Placing New Year’s paintings

New Year’s paintings are usually flowers and birds, plump children with Guanyin (the goddess of mercy and fertility), golden roosters, oxen, treasures, among others. They are used to carry best wishes and create a happy and prosperous environment.

4. Placement of paper cutouts

In the past, some people glued paper cutouts to the windows in the south and north. However, it is now a more common custom among the people of northern China. The paper cuts express the hopes of people wishing for a better life.

5. Enjoy a reunion dinner

Dinner involves all family members, even if they live in different places, they will have to get together. Depending on the region, there are various typical dishes for this event such as jiaozi (Chinese dumplings stuffed with meat).

6. See CCTV New Year’s Gala

Sort of like the Times Square ball drop for Americans, watching CCTV’s Chinese New Year Gala is a custom over dinner. They usually include presentations by well-known artists and acrobats.

7. Give red envelopes (lucky money) to children

The delivery of red envelopes to children or grandchildren is usually carried out. These include money and the color of the container is to attract luck.

During Chinese New Year, red envelopes are often given as gifts (Photo: Pexels)

8. Staying up late

Like in other parts of the world, people often stay up late. This is called “Shousui”, which means “to watch over the year”.

9. Listening to a New Year’s bell

Bells are a traditional symbol of Chinese New Year and are often rung in public places such as squares and temples at midnight. Its goal is to keep bad luck away from people.


1. Set off firecrackers and fireworks

2. Put on new clothes and extend New Year’s greetings

3. See Lion Dances and Dragon Dances

4. Public celebrations in parks and temple fairs

5. Offer sacrifices to the ancestors


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