Bolsonaro condemns “depredations and invasions of public buildings”

In a tweet, the former Brazilian president condemned the “depredations and invasions of public buildings” that occurred this Sunday in Brasilia.

A demonstration “for the defense of democracy” will be organized in front of the Brazilian embassy in Paris this Monday

“Faced with the scenes of barbarism that took place this Sunday in Brasilia”, the Parisian section of the Brazilian Workers’ Party (PT) “calls on Brazilians and French people to a demonstration in defense of democracy and against the terrorist acts promoted by the Bolsonarists” , Did we learn.

The demonstration will take place in front of the Brazilian embassy this Monday in Paris, from 5:30 p.m.

Bolsonaro denies responsibility for riots outside places of power in Brasilia

Former far-right president Jair Bolsonaro denied on Twitter on Sunday that he was responsible for the demonstrations outside places of power in Brasilia, reports The Guardian.

Police regain control of overrun places of power in Brasilia

Police evacuated Brazil’s Congress, Supreme Court and presidential palace in Brasilia more than four hours after hundreds of supporters of far-right ex-President Jair Bolsonaro stormed on Sunday, recalling the invasion from the Capitol in Washington in January 2021.

The situation seemed under control, even if a large number of these demonstrators refusing to recognize the election of Lula remained in the surroundings of the places of power of the Brazilian capital.

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in office for only a week and already facing a major crisis, condemned the invasion of places of power in the capital by “vandals, fanatical fascists”.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the United States “must stop giving refuge” to Bolsonaro in Florida

On Twitter, the elected American Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asks that the United States stop welcoming Bolsonaro, explaining that the riots in Brasilia this Sunday recall the assault on the Capitol in January 2021.

The former Brazilian president is currently in Florida. He left his country just before Lula’s inauguration on January 1.

Pro-Bolsonaro protesters arrested by police leave the presidential palace

At least 150 supporters of far-right ex-president Jair Bolsonaro have been arrested after the invasion and ransacking of Brazil’s main places of power on Sunday in Brasilia, according to several media.

Images relayed by Métropoles showed Bolsonarists dressed in yellow and green descending in single file, hands behind their backs, the ramp of the presidential palace of Planalto, surrounded by police.

Images of the vandalized office of a minister after the passage of pro-Bolsonaro demonstrators

The Minister of the Social Communication Secretariat, Paulo Pimenta, on Twitter, shared photos and videos from his office this Sunday, after the passage of pro-Bolsonaro demonstrators.

Charles Michel expresses his “absolute condemnation” of the Bolsonarist assault

European Council President Charles Michel on Sunday expressed his “absolute condemnation” of the invasion by hundreds of supporters of far-right ex-Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro of Congress, the presidential palace and the Supreme Court in Brasilia .

“Full support for President Lula da Silva, democratically elected by millions of Brazilians after fair and free elections,” said the European official.

Update on the situation at midnight

It is midnight in Paris (8 p.m. in Brazil), an opportunity to summarize the information in our possession on the current demonstrations in Brasilia:

The Congress was evacuated by the police. The situation also appears to be under control at the Planalto Presidential Palace and the Supreme Court.

• Many demonstrators are still present around these places of power in Brasilia.

• International condemnation: Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, and many other officials have condemned these demonstrations and violence

Joe Biden judges the violence of Bolsonarists in Brazil “scandalous”

US President Joe Biden said on Sunday that the situation in Brazil was “scandalous”, reports the Reuters news agency.

Supporters of far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro have invaded Congress, the presidential palace and the country’s Supreme Court.

The Congress evacuated by the police after the invasion of Bolsonarists

The Brazilian Congress was evacuated by the police several hours after being stormed on Sunday by hundreds of supporters of the far-right ex-president Jair Bolsonaro, noted an AFP-TV journalist.

The situation was less clear but also seemed under control at the Presidential Palace of Planalto and at the Supreme Court, even if a large number of demonstrators remained in the vicinity of these places of power in Brasilia.

Police and pro-Bolsonaro demonstrators continue to face each other

As night fell in the Brazilian capital, law enforcement seemed to be gradually regaining control of the situation, with water cannons keeping protesters at bay, although dozens of protesters remained in place and the situation remained confused.

Mélenchon accuses the Brazilian “extreme right” of “attempting a putsch in Trump mode”

The rebel and ex-presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon accused the Brazilian “extreme right” on Twitter of “attempting a Trump-style putsch against the new left-wing president Lula”.

“Solidarity with Brazilian democracy!”, He wrote on the same social network.

The European Union condemns the assault of the Bolsonarists

European Union officials on Sunday condemned the invasion by hundreds of supporters of far-right ex-Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro of political institutions in Brasilia, expressing their “full support” for President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva .

US ‘condemns any attempt’ to undermine democracy in Brazil

The White House reacted on Sunday to the assault on places of power in Brazil by Bolsonarists contesting the election of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, condemning “any attempt to undermine democracy”.

“The United States condemns any attempt to undermine democracy in Brazil. President Biden (from the southern United States where he was on Sunday, before a visit to Mexico) is following the situation closely and our support for democratic institutions of Brazil is unwavering,” White House adviser Jake Sullivan tweeted.

Macron calls for “respecting” the institutions and supports Lula

French Head of State Emmanuel Macron called on Sunday for “respect for democratic institutions” in Brazil and underlined France’s “unwavering support” for President Lula, after the invasion of several institutions by Bolsonarian activists.

Lula decrees an intervention of the federal police in Brasilia

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Sunday condemned the invasion of places of power in Brasilia by “fascist vandals” and decreed a “federal intervention” on the police to regain control of the security of the capital.

>> Our article

Goodnight all!

And welcome to this live dedicated to monitoring the ongoing riots in Brasilia.


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