About the Covid-19 pandemic I print him colto i benefit dell’Open Innovation and l’hanno integrata nei propri piani strategici. Secondo the last investigation of Sopra Steria That cousin was a phenomenon of nicchia è diventato la normalità per molte aziende: quasi 3 European company is 4 actively conducting collaboration programs with startup.


Two third of the interviewed managers have confirmed that The integration with the startup is important or essential to stay competitive in the market. Tra gli stati dell’Unione Europea, l’Italia ei paesi del Benelux sono i più entusiasti dell’approccio; surprisingly, that della Germany is one of the lowest percentages: only 57% of the interviewees recognize the importance of the collaboration esterne nonostante Berlino if the capital of startups.

If you have a wide range of interests, the aerospace industry is fare da padrone: 100% of the interviewers have confirmed that they have integrated the approccio in the business strategy, while the public industry is the least advanced. The close association collaborates for the best in the field of sustainability, artificial intelligence technology and cybersecurityovvero gli argumenti più sentiti degli ultimi anni.

L’Open Innovation expands the market opportunity

Ciò che spinge le impre Europee a investire sull’approccio sono el nuove opportunità di business che porta: con l’Open Innovation We come to know about new technologies and business models that are robust with the presence of the market on the marketsoprattutto in a moment of difficoltà economica como quello attuale.

Open Innovation

“The current economic response has strengthened the maturity of the European business” has affirmed Mohammed Sijelmassi, Chief Technology Officer of Sopra Steria. “That is so, infatti, più consapevoli delle sfide that devono face in a commercial market always più competitive, ma anche della Necessità di sfruttare il potere dell’innovazione per mettere il turbo ai progetti di R&S verso startup più piccole e agili, al fine di sviluppare nuove soluzioni e distinguishsi dalla concorrenza“.

In recent years, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, the company has not realized the potential of external knowledge and has decided to integrate it stably into the business. The increase in the demand for innovation, coupled with a greater awareness of Open Innovation, has led to the imprint of acquiring the capacity of the owner with tools and external competence, favoring the The messa in pratica di idee innovative is born.


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