Lucy Sosa about to be evicted from her home in Miami

The Cuban Lucy Sosaone of the most controversial faces on social media, is about to be evicted from her home in Miami and will be left living on the streets of the city of the Sun.

The woman reported that the problems with the rental of her home in Miami began when the owner of the house refused to restore it.

“He is Argentine, nothing works here. He went to court and filed a review to expel me from the house. I have to leave tomorrow. I hope this serves as a lesson to all the Cubans who are going through things like this because of the owners housing in Miami,” Lucy said.

“There are many abusive owners,” said the woman, visibly sad at being on the verge of becoming homeless.

Lucy complained of feeling great pressure at this moment in her life, because despite being a woman with a physical disability, she claims to not have enough help to move forward and leave this crisis behind.

Housing rents in Miami have skyrocketed in price and many low-income people cannot afford to continue living in the city.

She remembered that when she has gone on television she has never behaved badly. “I’ve always done well,” Lucy said and sent a shout-out to her fans.

In December, in an interview he did on TV in Florida, among other things he recounted how he lost a leg, a very difficult moment in which he was on the verge of death.

The influencer Lucy Sosa She is well known on Cuban social networks, for her casual and outspoken projection when it comes to touching on various topics.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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