The Lyon court considers that the company “did not take any useful measure likely to protect” its employee.

The SNCF was condemned this Tuesday by the judicial court of Lyon for “inexcusable fault” and will therefore have to pay 2000 euros in this respect to one of its executives, employee of the company for 30 years, reports 20 minutes. For years, the employee, now 53, has denounced acts of harassment and physical violence.

“She was unfortunately very little listened to by the SNCF, since rather than quickly taking measures so that she no longer had to work with her hierarchical superiors, we had to wait months”, explains to BFMTV Émilie Conte Jansen, plaintiff’s attorney.

And when measures were taken, they “did not suit”, laments the lawyer. “She was still in professional contact with him and was still exposed to absolutely deleterious violence and psychological bullying.”

On sick leave for several years

The complainant fell “into a severe depression” and was on sick leave for several years.

“Anxiety, inhibition, sleep disorders, asthenia… His ‘serious depression’, following his ‘deleterious working conditions’, will be recognized by the competent authorities in the matter as an occupational disease in March 2017”, explains the daily.

The Lyon court considers in its judgment delivered on Tuesday that the SNCF “did not take any useful measure likely to protect” its employee. “She even, on the contrary, assigned the employee to different workstations in conditions that did not allow her to regain a foothold within the company after the facts of which she had previously been the victim”, note the judges further, Explain 20 minutes.


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