Macri celebrates approval of the Bases Law in Deputies and thanks PRO parliamentarians

BUENOS AIRES.- Mauricio Macri, former president of Argentina, celebrated the approval in the Chamber of Deputies of your country Base Law and thanked the parliamentarians of the bench of the Republican Proposal Party (PRO) for accompanying and voting in favor of the legal project.

This law contemplates the repeal of the pension moratorium and creates the figure of Proportional Retirement Benefit for those people who have turned 65 years old, but have not completed the 30 years of contributions necessary to retire. Now, the regulations pass to Senate for its final sanction and become law.

This is how Macri published it in his account red social Xformerly known as Twitterafter knowing the decision of the parliamentary majority to give the green light to the Bases Law, proposed by the president of Argentina Javier Miley.

“I want to thank and congratulate the PRO deputies for keeping their word and supporting the Bases Law. It is a pride to see them vote with coherence, intellectual honesty and commitment to this historical moment in Argentina,” published former president Macri.

In another Post he also congratulated the deputies Miguel Pichettoof political force Federal Republican Meeting (ERF)within the Together for Change coalition and Rodrigo de Loredo of Unión Cívica Radical, who, “beyond the difficult internal conflicts in their blocks, put their responsibility at the service of the future of all Argentines.”

The Senate is missing

The Freedom Party Advances He managed to prevail for the first time since the Milei government took office. On Tuesday, April 30, approval was obtained in general and in particular of the Bases Law project in its second version.

Now, this law must pass to the Senate of the Nation, where the scenario is more complex. According to political analysts, the Union for the Homeland party has a number that leaves it on the verge of its own quorum and some articles of the laws, such as privatizations, incentive regime for large investments and Profits, run the risk of being modified, which could lead to the law having to return to the Chamber of Deputies.

The approved bill contemplates a public emergency in administrative, economic, financial and energy matters for a period of one year. In addition, it extends the trial period for newly hired employees up to eight months or one year, depending on the type of company making the hire.

Alternative to compensation

The law approved by the deputies also establishes an alternative to compensation in the event of dismissal, as well as a severance fund that consists of a monthly contribution amount and is borne solely by the employer.

On the other hand, the law does not limit the so-called “union fee” that these spaces deduct from employees within the collective bargaining agreement, whether they are affiliated or not, which represents an important part of the cash of these groups.

The proposal includes a list of public companies subject to privatization or concession, although the number of entities reached is limited. The final project mentions companies such as Aerolíneas Argentinas, Aguas y Saneamientos Argentinos (AySA) or Correo Argentino, which were privatized in the nineties and became nationalized again due to their poor management years later, as well as others that were always such as Radio and Television Argentina, which covers public media.

Among the proposals maintained, the Executive once again proposes the reform of the State, numerous deregulations and changes in the formula for calculating retirements, with monthly variations based on inflation.

In addition, changes in energy matters are insisted upon, with modifications to the laws of Hydrocarbons y Gasas well as in the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI), which proposes a series of benefits to promote strategic projects, among others.

(email protected)

Source: Social network account X of Former President Mauricio Macri, Infobae, La Nación, El Clarin, CNN

Tarun Kumar

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