Macri criticizes the General Confederation of Workers

BUENOS AIRES-. He former president of Argentina Mauricio Macri criticized this to the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) and the piqueteros movements (unemployed workers) for what he called their “hypocrisy” in supporting the outgoing government of Alberto Fernandezwhich will leave 4 million more Argentines in poverty.

In his account on the social network end up accompanying this catastrophic government to the very end, without a single complaint.

“Let us keep this unappealable figure in our memory: 8 million children and adolescents live in poor homes, and of them 2.1 million are indigent,” he added.

Macri also questioned the position of the CGT, which has announced that it will mobilize to protest against the government of Javier Mileywho will take office on December 10.

“That same pro-government CGT that maintained a complicit silence until today is now emboldened and bullies the new government that has not even begun its task,” he stated.

The former president concluded by assuring that “it is very clear that it was never his intention to defend the rights of workers, they only fight for their businesses.”

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The former president’s position occurs in the midst of a climate of tension between the CGT and the Milei government, which has promised to make important changes in the union system.

The CGT, which is related to the Justicialist Party, has harshly criticized Milei, accusing him of wanting to “dismantle” workers’ rights.

Six days before the inauguration of the elected president, Javier Milei, social movements and the CGT sent a strong warning and made clear their “will to fight” in the face of the wave of layoffs that, in their opinion, is coming.

For his part, Milei has responded that the CGT is a “mafia” that protects the interests of union members at the expense of workers.

(email protected)

Source: Social network account

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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