Macri bets on the May Pact as a turning point for Argentina

BUENOS AIRES. – Former Argentine President Mauricio Macri issued a strong message on the political situation in Venezuela and accused dictator Nicolás Maduro of committing crimes against humanity against the Venezuelan population.

In a message posted on his X account, Macri stressed that the Maduro regime produced the largest humanitarian crisis in the country’s history and suppressed all individual freedoms of Venezuelans.

Macri strongly criticized Maduro’s recent accusations against the current Argentine president, Javier Milei, who allegedly tried to undermine the democratic recovery in Venezuela.

“It is undeniable that Venezuela has suffered and continues to suffer too much under a regime that has ruined the economy and driven millions of Venezuelans into exile,” the former president said.

Last Thursday, at a campaign event, Maduro lashed out at Milei, calling him a “bastard” and accusing him of being part of an alleged plan to boycott Venezuela’s presidential elections. Argentina’s presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, said Friday that Maduro’s statements against Milei did not deserve a response because they come from a “dictator” and an “imbecile.”

Call to democratic leaders

In his post, Macri made an urgent call to democratic leaders in the international community to remain vigilant and ensure that the electoral process scheduled for July 28 is as transparent, fair and free of interference as possible. “Chavismo has systematically compromised its legitimacy to hold elections,” he warned.

In addition, Macri expressed his solidarity with the Venezuelan people and urged them to exercise their right to vote with courage and conviction. He also reiterated his support for the Venezuelan opposition in the context of the upcoming presidential elections.

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Political analysts say the situation in Venezuela remains critical, with a hostile environment towards opponents of the regime and growing concern about the lack of democratic conditions.

They revealed that the international community has its eyes on Venezuela, attentive to events as the election date approaches.

Next Sunday, July 28, Venezuela will hold presidential elections in which ten candidates will compete, including the current dictator Nicolás Maduro, who is seeking a third six-year term in power.

(email protected)

Source: Former President Mauricio Macri’s social media account X, El País,, La Nación

Tarun Kumar

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