In an interview on the return flight from his state visit to China, French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized that Europe must reduce its dependence on the United States. In addition, Europe must not allow itself to be drawn into the confrontation between China and the United States over Taiwan.

Marcon: Not in our interest to accelerate the crisis in Taiwan

“The paradox would be that, out of sheer panic, we think we’re just America’s henchmen,” Macron said „Politico“.

“The question Europeans need to ask is: Is it in our interest to hasten a crisis on Taiwan? No. The worst thing would be to think that we Europeans would have to follow the US agenda and a Chinese overreaction on this issue.”

Also read: Conflict escalates – China practices “closure” of Taiwan – US destroyers in disputed waters

Macron wants “strategic autonomy” for Europe

Macron underlined his idea of ​​a “strategic autonomy” for Europe, which could be spearheaded by France on the way to becoming a “third superpower”. Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party support Macron’s concept of strategic autonomy and often refer to it in contacts with European countries.

Röttgen: Macron’s trip to China is a “PR coup for Xi”

On Twitter, CDU politician Norbert Röttgen heavily criticized France’s cosiness: “Macron managed to turn his trip to China into a PR coup for Xi and a foreign policy disaster for Europe. With his idea of ​​sovereignty, which he defines in terms of differentiation rather than partnership with the USA, he is increasingly isolating himself in Europe.”

And further: “The same president, who some time ago described NATO as “brain dead”, says word for word in China what Xi wants to hear. He emphasizes the partnership with China instead of competition and systemic rivalry. China and Taiwan are not a problem for the Europeans.”

FDP General Secretary Bijan Djir-Sarai also criticized the French President’s approach to “Bild”: “Macron’s position would not be a smart strategy for Europe. We live in a dangerous world. The US and Europe should therefore work closely together.”


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