Maduro cannot avoid popular observation or the resounding victory

CARACAS.-Edmundo Gonzalez y María Corina Machado, presidential candidate and leader of the Venezuelan opposition, did not take long to react to the decision of the CNE to exclude the mission of the UE of electoral observation, and stated that “Nicolas Maduro “he will not be able to avoid popular observation or a resounding victory” in the elections on July 28.

The EU, for its part, asked the CNE to rectify and urged it to comply with the Barbados Agreement in which the Maduro regime committed to guarantee free and fair elections.

The opposition duo, through a statement addressed to Venezuelans and the international community and published on networks, described as arbitrary the CNE’s decision to revoke the invitation it had extended to the EU to send an observer mission.

“This decision will not prevent the resounding victory of change that candidate Edmundo González Urrutia represents,” he said, adding that they will combat it by redoubling efforts with “the most robust electoral machinery in the history of the country” that makes up the 600K plan and the commandos. .

The president of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso, announced on May 28 the revocation of the invitation to the EU, which was demanded by the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, head of the official delegation and signatory of the Barbados Agreement, after the block of countries lifted sanctions only on the electoral chief and other people from the entity, on May 13.

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González and Machado, with popular observation

In the official message that was also signed by the leader Omar Barboza, executive secretary of the Unitarian Platform alliance of opposition parties, González and Machado stated that the regime seeks to avoid submitting to qualified international oversight, while they have the support of observation of millions of Venezuelans.

They also pointed out that the position adopted by the CNE “increases the record of Nicolás Maduro’s non-compliance with the Barbados Agreement”, signed in October 2023, for which they called on the international community “to remain firm in supporting the Venezuelan people.” in their legitimate right to achieve political change through electoral means.”

“We demand that Nicolás Maduro reverse this arbitrary decision that only ratifies his minority status and constitutes additional evidence of the fear he has of qualified and credible electoral observation, which leaves a record before Venezuelans and the world of the attempts to prevent, with manipulation, the free exercise of the vote in the next presidential election.”

EU to CNE, reverse the decision

For its part, the EU “deeply regretted the unilateral decision” of the CNE to revoke the invitation to its mission in the elections, in a statement it published on its networks.

He considered that Venezuelan voters “should be able to elect their president in credible, transparent and competitive elections supported by electoral observation.

After emphasizing that it has a “long and distinguished record” of independent and impartial observation, it reminded the CNE that the Barbados Agreement established that the EU mission would be invited to observe the elections, and called for it to “reconsider” the decision

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Source: With information from networks, El Nacional

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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