Maduro will have to accept the results

CARACAS.- The opposition leader Venezuelan Maria Corina Machado He stressed that the surveys serious ones show a significant difference in favor of Edmundo González ein the Venezuelan presidential elections to be held on July 28.

In an interview with the newspaper EThe country, from Spain, Machado estimates that this advantage exceeds 30 points; some polls even indicate a gap of up to 40 points, reflecting overwhelming support for change and the determination of the Venezuelan people.

The activist policy He stressed that beyond the figures, it is the palpable energy in the streets that confirms the massive support for the will for change in Venezuela. Despite the obstacles imposed by the regime Currently, Machado is confident of massive participation in the elections and emphasized the importance of counting every vote to ensure the transparency of the electoral process.

Asked about the acceptance of an eventual defeat by Chavismo, Machado stressed the need to respect the election results and assured that the Venezuelan society will be responsible for making his voice heard.

Post-election scenario

As for a possible post-election scenario, the opposition leader She expressed her commitment to a peaceful and democratic transition, urging all political forces to work together for the well-being of the country. The opposition leader called for national unity and stressed the importance of building an inclusive and democratic Venezuela for all its citizens.

“Maduro will have to accept the results. Venezuelan society will be responsible for making them count. International politics has a very important role, because the outcome of July 28 is decisive for many generations of Venezuelans. This is the opportunity to make a peaceful transition and Edmundo and I have been firm in that we are willing to move forward in a real negotiation process to make a peaceful transition.

María Corina Machado also addressed the issue of the Venezuelan armed forces, highlighting a positive change in their attitude towards a possible process of profound change in the country.

“I have a lot of contact with the Armed Forces through my travels in the country. What I am seeing in recent days is Amazing. Their eyes shine at the imminent possibility of a process of profound change and family reunification. They too have children and siblings, they are witnesses to the plundering of the country and the impact on human rights. They are very clear about this violence and threat from Maduro. For there to be a guerra “There has to be an enemy. The country has been unified. This theory of an internal enemy has been dismantled by the facts. There is no enemy here. The country is united like never before,” said the opposition leader.

In the midst of a tense and challenging political environment, Maria Corina Machado was optimistic and determined to continue her fight to restore democracy and freedom in Venezuela. With the support of the Venezuelan people and their commitment to ethical values and solid liberals, Machado sees a hopeful future for his country.

(email protected)

Source: With information from El País of Spain

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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