Maria Corina Machado calls to defend the will of Venezuelans expressed in the vote

CARACAS.- After the election results in Venezuela were announced, in which the regime of Nicolas Madurothe opposition leader Maria Corina Machado and the unitary candidate, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia they headed to the country.

“Venezuela has a new president-elect and it is Edmundo González Urrutia, everyone knows that. We won and everyone knows it. This has been so overwhelming that we have won in all sectors and states of the country,” said María Corina Machado.

In his remarks, he referred to the National Armed Forces and indicated that they have witnessed the violations and irregularities committed during the day. “The duty of the National Armed Forces is to defend the will of the people,” he said.

In this regard, he stated that the opposition will defend the votes. “We are going to defend the truth. We want to ask each of the members of the polling station and witnesses that no one moves. I ask all the communities of Venezuela to accompany, as a family, all the voting centers.”

“It’s not just another fraud”

The political leader affirmed that the electoral results presented by the CNE are not another fraud. “There is no way they can justify this.”

He reiterated his democratic commitment by assuring that the rescue for democracy remains in place. “We have said it: until the end. And the end is the end. We will continue fighting for democracy.”

For his part, González Urrutia emphasized that they will continue working until they can demonstrate the electoral results that grant him victory.

Source: Writing

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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