You are currently viewing Marina Rivers claims that she also suffers from nudes made with AI

Artificial Intelligence has come up for debate after the events in Almendralejo (Badajoz). A group of mothers has denounced the use that has been made of images of their minor daughters who have been victims of montages through AI. The result is the creation of naked bodies, attributed to the faces of said minors, which are then disseminated by pornographic pages or portals such as OnlyFans. Mainly, the new open question lies in how to incorporate this unprecedented situation into the criminal code.

On this controversial issue, he has spoken Marina Riverswho has become one of the new collaborators of TardeAR. The influencer dedicated a few words during the evening format presented by Ana Rosa Quintana to denounce this event that, she explains, is not far from what she suffers. “Photos taken from the Instagram wall are spread on Telegram, and if you look closely you can see that they are fake. “I get a lot of messages saying that there are naked photos of me, and it is very dangerous.”he confesses.

Rivers clarifies that his criticism is not of the tool, but of the use made of it. “In the end we always suffer from the shit they create with artificial intelligence. “With how wonderful it can be, and what they do is create nudes or put your face in porn videos to keep your images.”, he explains. In fact, in an attempt to exemplify some of the situations that she experiences, she says that she has seen her own face in the faces of porn film actresses.

“My friends see it and say it looks real.”

And, according to the influencer, the resemblance to reality of these montages is often very high. “My friends see it and tell me it looks real”. This situation is what has prompted Rivers to report it to the police: “There are Telegram groups with 10,000 people viewing my fake images. That is because you do not force anyone to enter their ID to create a social network, and that is what people who suffer this type of harassment are demanding.”

Along these lines, the well-known content creator wanted to take the opportunity to denounce another of the scenarios that are generated around the images: the one from the business. Many take advantage of this new niche, as well as the use of AI, to profit and make money. “It is one thing to insult and another to violate my physical integrity by undressing.”, Explain. The problems that arise from this threaten the future of those who appear in the productions; and this, Rivers believes, is a painful and unfair burden for the future. “I want to be a lawyer and I don’t know what will happen to me when I go to work in a court”sentence.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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