The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massaand the president of the Central Bank (BCRA), Miguel Ángel Pesce, will travel to Washington between Monday and Tuesday to present the measures adopted to increase dollar reserves, within the framework of the Spring Meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). and the World Bank (WB).

This will be the minister’s second trip to Washington in less than 15 daysafter he met with the deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Gita Gopinath, on March 29, before obtaining the approval of the fourth revision of the financing program agreed with the organization.

Also read: Massa announced the “agro dollar” at $300: the details of the measure

This approval allowed the country to receive a credit from the agency for US$ 5,300 millionwith which it paid on March 31, US$ 2,600 million of the debt it maintains with the IMF, and that it will do the same in mid-April.

Massa is scheduled to arrive in the US capital to attend a breakfast at the IMF facilities on April 13, where he will meet his peers from the region and attend the G20 Finance Ministers Summit. There, she will also have a bilateral meeting with Mathias Cormann, Secretary General of the OECD.

In addition, the Minister of Economy will participate in a lunch where the central theme will be the increased efficiency for tax collection. And she will meet again with the second of the IMF, Gita Gopinath. She will meet with Georgieva in the framework of a meeting of ministers from the region and from the rest of the hemisphere (Canada and the United States).

It will also hold a meeting of Governors with the IMF where it will participate in an Early Warning Assessment (EWE) session that, together with the Financial Stability Board (FSB), evaluates “tail risks” for the world economy every six months.

The Argentine official’s agenda with the Fund will continue with a meeting of peers from the region with the new director of the Western Hemisphere of the IMF, the Chilean Rodrigo Valdez, who will formally assume his position starting next May. Among other bilateral meetings, a meeting with the Vice President of the World BankAnna Berdje, and the Colombian Minister of Economy, José Ocampo, in an official agenda that would last for three days.


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