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In an interview, musician Matteo Bocelli talks about his collaboration with Ed Sheeran and his relationship with his father Andrea Bocelli.

Matteo Bocelli, 25, will release his debut album “Matteo” on September 22nd. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, the son of the Italian star tenor Andrea Bocelli, 64, reveals how he came to work with Ed Sheeran, 32, and his brother, how his father supports him in his career and why the German audience is particularly fond of him is.

You released your first album “Matteo”. Why is it named after you?

Matteo Bocelli: I’ve spent the last year working on my debut album and I’m very happy that fans can finally hear it. Working on this album was a great outlet for me at a time in my life where I was going through tremendous creative and emotional growth. I was able to put all my feelings and emotions on paper and immerse myself in this project. I feel like I’ve created an album that introduces me to the world and allows others to get to know me a little better. That’s why I wanted to name the album “Matteo” because I feel like it’s the right way to introduce myself.

The songs are in English and Italian. What is it like for you to sing in both languages?

Bocelli: I think it’s great that you can use different languages ​​to express different sounds and feelings. I grew up listening to English music, so it’s something I can relate to very easily. But I also love the Italian language. Since it is my native language, it is easiest for me to express my feelings and thoughts when I write songs in Italian.

How did you work on your first album?

Bocelli: I find that the inspiration for each song comes from real life experiences. But it’s about looking beyond your own experiences and also taking other people’s experiences into account. I talk to other people, listen to stories about their own lives, read books.

When it came time to finish the album and choose the songs to be included on it, I chose the ones that were most authentic and reflected current events in my life. I’ve been writing songs for over three years, so I focused on choosing songs that relate to my current life and what I want to convey to people at this moment.

“Chasing Stars” was written by Ed Sheeran and his brother. How did the idea of ​​working with the two of them come about?

Bocelli: It was very exciting for me to have a piece by Ed Sheeran on my first album. The song that Ed and Matt wrote together was so well done and really didn’t need many adjustments or corrections on my part. I changed a few aspects of my singing style, but the song was beautiful right from the start. It was a beautiful experience that I will never forget.

I’ve been a fan of Ed since I was little. I have admired his work from the beginning and have always looked up to him as a person. I was excited about the chance to work with a legend like him. When I heard “Chasing Stars” for the first time, I knew that I really wanted to record this song. I love not only the sound, but also the fact that we both had this loving relationship with our fathers.

The song is about a father’s support for his son. How did your father support you the most?

Bocelli: My father was always the first to support me and always give me advice. He can give me tips when it comes to singing and performing. But at the end of the day, he is my father who wants me to remember the values ​​I was raised with, to treat everyone with respect, and to work hard for the things I love.

What does he think of your album? Is he very critical?

Bocelli: He was always the first to give me compliments when they were due. The biggest compliment he gives me is that he appreciates the strength and power of my voice. He also always notices that I have a natural ability to connect with the audience and people when I’m on stage and performing. But he also reminds me again and again that a good performance depends not only on stage presence, but also on good singing technique.

He was a little surprised when he heard my album because it was more pop than opera. But he really encouraged me to find my own sound and start my own career.

Is it hard to be associated with the name Bocelli all the time?

Bocelli: I have the incredible privilege of following in my father’s footsteps and inheriting a wealth of connections and opportunities through him. Of course, this also brings with it a lot of expectations. When I focus on these expectations, it limits my creativity and reduces the opportunities to experiment and try out new music and sounds. For this reason, I cannot spend too much energy thinking about external pressures to live up to the legacy. Instead, I focus on making the best music I can while staying true to myself and my sound.

A musical family is certainly very busy. How often do you spend time with your family?

Bocelli: I’ve definitely been very busy over the last few months, but it’s really important to me that I make time for the things that matter most to me. My family and my closest friends are an important part of my life and part of what makes me who I am. When we don’t make time for the important things in life, we lose sight of who we really are. With our phones and computers, these important people are just a video call away.

You will start your tour in Berlin. What connection do you have to Germany?

Bocelli: I think the German audience is unique because they come from a country with an amazing music history. It is also a country that can have a great influence on an artist’s career. I respect not only the strong music culture in Germany, but also the success that my father had in his career in Germany. I hope I can achieve that too. Conquering the hearts of Germany will be an incredible honor for me.

What plans and dreams do you have for your music career?

Bocelli: Right now I’m concentrating on preparing for my first tour. It may sound strange because I’m just releasing my first album, but I’m really looking forward to continuing to work on new songs and making a second album. It is also a big goal of mine to do a stadium tour in the future.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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