Mecano member accused of hiring illegal immigrants

MADRID.- Nacho Cano, member of the defunct group Meccanowas questioned today – July 9 – by the Spanish police over allegations of having hired immigrants in an irregular situation to work on his musical Malinche in Madrid, police reported.

Cano, 61, was arrested by police officers, taken to a police station in the Spanish capital to make a statement and then released pending a court summons, a National Police spokeswoman said.

The member of Mecano, a Spanish pop group that disappeared in the late 1990s and was very popular in Spain and Latin America, is suspected of crimes against workers’ rights and of promoting illegal immigration, police sources told AFP.

According to the complaints, Cano would have hired undocumented immigrants to work on his musical Malinchewhich was released in 2022 and has had more than 500 performances.

According to the newspaper The PasThe complainants are young Mexican dancers who have worked on the musical, a project by Cano dedicated to the controversial figure of Malinche, the indigenous woman who was the lover, translator and advisor of Hernán Cortés and who helped him conquer Mexico.

The crimes against Cano are punishable by penalties ranging from fines to several years in prison.

A woman was also arrested along with Cano. The police did not identify her, but according to the Spanish press she is the person in charge of hiring personnel.

Nacho Cano in Mecano

Cano has been in the news in recent years for his closeness to Madrid’s regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, a popular figure in the hardline wing of the conservative Popular Party, the main opposition party.

The musician received the Madrid decoration of the Grand Cross of Dos de Mayo in 2021, a distinction that he dedicated to Ayuso for being brave and such a good president.

Mecano, made up of Nacho Cano, his brother José María and the singer Ana Torroja, was formed in the early 80s and disbanded in the late 90s. They gained a lot of popularity with songs like Son of the Moon, The Force of Destiny y Cross of knives.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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