Bethlehem is located in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and is part of the Palestinian Authority. A wall up to eight meters high separates the city from East Jerusalem.Image: / Manngold


01/03/2023, 18:3701/03/2023, 18:42

Joana Rettig

Since the new right-wing national government in Israel formed, the tensions between Israelis and Palestinians are again clearly noticeable. In addition, Israel’s new Minister for National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, decided on Tuesday to visit the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. For the Palestinian population in Jerusalem in particular, this is considered an absolute provocation.

The Middle East conflict is smoldering again – and not too little.

But what is it really? Why won’t Israel and Palestine settle down? An overview:

The area – great historical and religious importance

There are many conflicts in the Middle East. However, the main conflict, widely known as the Middle East conflict, is between two parties from: Israelis and Palestinians.

It’s about the territory. The territory of Israel has a special meaning for the Jewish population – both from a religious and historical point of view. Jews settled in the area more than 1000 years before our era. In fact, the Jewish religion also developed there religion. Even in the Bible (in the Old Testament) the area is referred to as the “promised land” in which Jews are to establish their own state.

But the Babylonians conquered the country as early as the 6th century BC – this is where the persecution and expulsion of the Jews began.

Jews, then still called Israelites, fled into exile and were scattered around the world.

Immigration – displaced people want to return

Since the 16th century, however, there have always been Jewish groups who wanted to return to their historical homeland and also settled in this area again.

At the end of the 19th century the Zionist World Organization was founded, which had a central demand: the creation of a separate state for the Jews – of course on the historically important territory of Israel.

The problem: The area was called Palestine at the time, belonged to the Ottoman Empire and many other non-Jewish people lived there: Arabs, who were primarily of the Muslim faith. But Christians had also settled there.

RECORD DATE NOT STATED Founders of Tel Aviv gather in 1909 to draw lots on the sand dunes outside Jaffa.  The city was founded in 1909 by the Yishuv Jewish residents as a modern housing estate on the o ...

Tel Aviv’s founders gather to draw lots on the sand dunes outside of Jaffa in 1909.Image: / UIG

In addition, at the beginning of the 20th century, the exclusion of Jews increased people worldwide to. This, in turn, led to significantly higher immigration to Palestine, which only fueled tensions between the Arab and Jewish populations.

After World War I, the Ottoman Empire fell and Great Britain had power over the territory. This was lucky for the Jews, because a promise was made to the population:

“We look favorably on the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. (We will do our) best to facilitate the attainment of that goal.”

That was what British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour said in 1917, shocking the Palestinian people who had actually lived peacefully on their land for a long time.

By 1945, 30 percent of the people living in Palestine were Jews.

Holocaust and division – UNO decides on the territory

What some may not realize is that the Holocaust, during which the Nazis murdered six million Jews, contributed much to today’s conflict between Israel and Palestine.

In fact, after World War II, the United Nations decided that nothing like this should ever happen again. Their solution: the division of Palestine into two states. Because they wanted to give Jews their own country, a shelter, so to speak.

However, this decision was made over the heads of the Palestinians. In 1947 the United Nations decided to divide the country. The Jewish population was given 56 percent and the Palestinians 43 percent of the land.

The Israeli Declaration of Independence The Israeli Declaration of Independence made on the 14 May 1948, the British Mandate terminating soon afterwards at midnight.  Dated 1948 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIx ...

The Israeli Declaration of Independence was issued on May 14, 1948.Image: / Photo12

Many lands that have belonged to Palestinian families for generations have been effectively confiscated. Displaced the people. No consideration was given to the fact that the Arab population had previously inhabited 90 percent of Palestine. Neither the people of Palestine nor many neighboring countries wanted to recognize the UN’s decision.

In 1948, however, the Jewish population proclaimed the State of Israel. That was the start of the riots – and wars.

The trouble spot – conflicts time and again since 1948

In the year the state was founded, the first of several Israeli-Arab wars broke out. Israelis call this war “War of Independence”. It was ended in 1949 with an armistice agreement that once again enlarged the territory of the Israelis.

More and more riots and wars followed. Another war – especially important for the Palestinians – is the Six-Day War in 1967. After that, the territory of Israel continued to expand. For the Palestinians, Israel is now an occupying power, because numerous Israeli settlements have been established, especially in the West Bank. Israelis have also crossed the border in the divided city of Jerusalem.

That year the Palestine Liberation Organization was formed. Their goal: a free, independent state of Palestine. However, there is a dispute within this group: Do you want peaceful coexistence or do you not recognize the State of Israel and want the whole country for yourself? This question and the question of how the goal is to be achieved split the organization. The PLO is divided into two – Hamas and Fatah.

Supporters of the Palestinian Hamas movement take part in the 35th anniversary of its founding Supporters of the Palestinian Hamas movement take part in the 35th anniversary of its founding in Gaza Ci...

Supporters of the Palestinian Hamas movement attend the 35th anniversary of its founding.Image: / APAimages

Hamas is considered a terrorist organization, it controls it Gaza Strip. Fatah is considered more moderate and controls the West Bank.

There have been repeated riots since 1987, which are often bloodily suppressed by the Israeli military.

Suppression or Response to Violent Uprisings?

There are many accusations from the Palestinian side – both against the world population and against the State of Israel. The world is accused of turning a blind eye to Israel’s actions – especially the oppression of the Palestinians. Israel is accused of preventing important deliveries of goods and of oppressing the population. There is even talk of genocide.

Israel itself says it is only reacting to the violent uprisings. Palestinians say they are responding to oppression.

And the solution?

A solution to the conflict is not in sight. Generations of politicians have failed miserably at the task. Again and again there were attempts to reduce the tension. Negotiations were conducted, treaties and agreements were concluded, but no peace has been reached to this day.

There was strong resistance to such agreements, both in Israel and among the Palestinian population. Violent attacks were repeatedly carried out by Palestinians, and the Israeli army responded with military attacks. There were casualties on both sides.

The fact that the conflicting parties have sought international support could also have led to the fronts remaining hardened.

Both the United States as well as Russia play a role in this – and the entire region around Israel/Palestine is also unstable. Proxy wars were waged, and the Arab Spring did the rest.

In addition, Israel does not officially have nuclear weapons – unofficially it does. You have to defend yourself, they say. And indeed: There are still numerous states in the surrounding area that do not recognize Israel. This is considered a threat.


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