Migrants defy closure of the US border, despite restrictions

JACUMBA HOT SPRING.- Despite the new immigration restrictions announced by the president Joe Bidenthe current of migrants who seek to enter the USA continues, defying the obstacles and dangers of the Californian desert.

The situation at the US-Mexico border has been a hot topic in US politics for years, with different administrations grappling with increased migration and demands for border security. Biden’s arrival to the presidency brought with it expectations of changes in immigration policies, but recent restrictions have generated a new debate about how to address the migratory flow.

According to recent data, the number of illegal crossings along the 3,050 kilometer border reached new records during his administration, reaching 10,000 in a single day in December last year. Although the number has decreased in recent months, it remains high, reflecting the persistent demand of migrants to enter the United States in search of a better life.

Freddy Sánchez, a 37-year-old Guatemalan, and his family are just one example of this. After walking for hours under the hot sun, they managed to enter US territory taking advantage of a gap in the border, just one day after the restrictions were announced. For them, and for many others, the possibility of work and a better future overcomes any imposed barrier.

“Even if they say they should close the borders, they will never be able to close it because whether they want it or not, it is a source of work for many people,” Sánchez said.

Alex Román, a 31-year-old Colombian who also crossed the desert, shared this determination. Despite knowing the new measures, he decided to move forward, aware of the effort and money invested in his search for opportunities on American soil.

“Well, we had to move forward. Because all the money that is invested to come to this land… can be returned without trying?” Román asserted.

Biden’s restrictions, although they seek to control the migratory flow and relieve pressure on the border, have been the subject of criticism from various sectors. Some argue that these measures are necessary to maintain national security and effectively manage immigration, while others consider them inhumane and contrary to the values ​​of the United States as a host country.

At the foot of the border wall, migrants of various nationalities gather, all hoping that their cases will be heard and considered. Although Biden has signed an executive order to restrict the entry of asylum seekers outside official ports, the reality at the border appears to have not changed. The number of apprehended migrants remains high, demonstrating that the restrictions have not stopped the migratory flow.

For many, the United States remains the promised land, the place where they can find better opportunities and a safer life. Despite the obstacles and risks, the search for a better future drives thousands of people to face the desert and restrictive decrees on their way north.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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