Miss Colombia, Daniela Toloza, reflects on how she fought against being overweight

MIAMI.- The model Daniela Tarazona, Miss Universe Colombia 2024shared with her followers a struggle that surprised many: for years, the greatest representative of New Granada beauty battled for years against overweight and on social networks he recorded how he was committed to his health.

With the aim of inspiring those who, like her, are fighting this problem, the 30-year-old model shared a video on Instagram in which she explains her path.

“Why am I in Miss Universe Colombia If not to inspire? One day after entering the concentration, I really want to share with you why I want to be your Miss Universe Colombia,” begins the text that accompanies the audiovisual.

“Getting rid of the ego, of wanting to be called ‘The most beautiful woman in this country’, I am here to remind you of the privilege of having your body, of honoring your processes, of feeling absolutely proud of what you have today and that you continue on the road to bring out your best version,” reads the publication.


Daniela explained that from a very young age she admired the window that beauty contests are for the pursuit of some women’s goals, detailing that beyond the connotation of beauty, it also allows them to be a beacon to motivate, encourage and inspire others for means of some action that helps society.

“Yes, beauty opens doors, it allows you to be a focus of attention to speak and give your message. And I precisely understand that for Miss Universe, beauty must be accompanied by genuine leadership, a story that can inspire a person… or thousands!” he added.

In the video, the specialist in costume design, senior management, advertising and public relations, addressed how the death of her father triggered an imbalance in her diet, which caused her to be overweight for years.

However, she explained that in the midst of that inner struggle, she managed not only to feel empathy with herself, but to love herself as she was and subsequently move towards her purpose while still feeling pride in the struggle she faced.

“To love who I am today, I had to learn to love myself like that. To laugh at adversity, I am clear about what my process has been. To have empathy with others, I had to have it with me first. Celebrate your body, honor it as it is or as it was. So that day after day you become your best version!”, the video reads.

The material exposes before and after photographs of Daniela Tarazona.


Although the model’s publication has been applauded by many, since it seeks to break down stereotypes and reflect that even a woman with a slender silhouette could have gone through great challenges to achieve the desired body; Others have pointed out that having undergone bariatric surgery is against the new rules of the pageant.

This was stated by the Venezuelan Kerly Ruiz, who highlighted that Miss Universe now allows models to look different sizes.

“It seems hypocritical to me that a woman has to have surgery and win the contest because in the end the stereotype of those measures, which many see as perfect, is what leads them to win, why? Because as they say, brands want women with this type of body or stereotype and in the end they have surgery,” she said on the program. Feel who can.

In his opinion, models like Miss Nepal 2023, Jane Dipika Garrett, have greater merit because they inspired by appearing in the pageant without changing their body.

However, Miss Colombia 2024 responded to the presenter and assured that she underwent the surgery for health reasons and that her participation in the contest did not influence the decision.

“I didn’t have surgery for a beauty contest, I had surgery for health. I want to invite you to suddenly learn more about my story and it would be very interesting to be able to meet face to face,” he commented on I know everything Colombia.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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