More problems for Alves: the Prosecutor's Office is now investigating his mother

The year has not started very well for the Alves clan. After the Barcelona Court condemned Dani Alves to four and a half years in prison, in addition to another five years of supervised release, removal and incommunication with the victim for nine years and six months, and compensation of 150,000 and payment of the costs of the trial, for the crime of sexual assault that This was committed on the night of December 30, 2022 in the private bathroom of the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona, ​​now The Prosecutor investigates his mother.

The Prosecutor’s Office has focused on Luca Alves after December 30 of last year, coinciding with the anniversary of the events for which the footballer had been denounced, this spread on social networks a video with a compilation of images of the victim in which the identity of this victim was revealed..

Ms informacin

  • Luca Alves uploaded a video to his social networks on December 30 in which the identity of the complainant was revealed.

Although the player’s mother deleted the publications just before the trial against the former Barcelona soccer player began, now faces criminal proceedings for the crime of revealing secrets, against moral integrity and obstruction of justice.

Ignoring the law

As part of his strategy to help his son, Luca Alves published on his Instagram account and video edited with music and comments where you could see the young woman enjoying and celebrating with her friends and family. Some images that would have been taken from the woman’s social networks, and that They could even date back to when she was a minor..

Through its publication, Luca Alves tried to question the psychological damage that the woman claimed to have after accusing the footballer of rape.. A pressure tactic that was also seen in other processes as high-profile as that of La Manada.

With this action, Alves’s mother jumped the order given by the investigating judge of the case, who prohibited the dissemination of any data that could bring to light the identity of the young womana guideline also contemplated in the Victim Statute.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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