Nacho Palau, on the rumors of a relationship with Ricky Martin: You're making it very difficult for me

The arrival of Ricky Martin to the Peninsula has coincided in time with that of Luis Miguel And, as in the case of the Mexican, it has translated into a series of concerts that have been a hit wherever they have been held. In the show that the Puerto Rican offered in A Corua he was ecstatic, full of happiness and visibly happy and excited.; what no one doubted was due to his music soon had a second and presumed explanation: the presence of someone special.

Nacho Palau, Miguel Bos’ ex, crossed the entire country with his two children the almost 900 kilometers that separate Chelva, the town in Valencia where he lives, from the Galician town to be present there. This was pointed out by José Manuel Parada in And now Sonsoleswho insisted that Ricky Martin was very grateful for the visit and that they were very affectionate; then, in musical code, he slipped in a possible romance: When the heat arrives, the boys fall in love….

One day after this revelation, the microphones of Europa Press They have intercepted Palau And, with the question memorized, they wanted to know more about this rumor. He, without mincing words, settled the matter. We are very good friends. Everything is fine, He asserted, then asked that his privacy be respected: Please leave me alone. In a few words, he expressed his dissatisfaction with this situation. Bad very badhe complains, regretting that they are doing it to him making it very difficult.

The origin of their friendship

The truth is that between the two, who do not even follow each other on social networks, there seems to be nothing more than a good relationship resulting from years in which a friendship built the bridge of their good chemistry. Ricky Martin and Miguel Bos, with whom Palau dated for 26 years, were great friends in the eighties (they even collaborated on the launch of Bambback in 1990); fruit of that camaraderie, Martin was even named godfather to the singer’s son, Tadeo.

Although the relationship between the two was broken due to Bos’s anti-vaccine positions and the tremendous disagreement that the Puerto Rican expressed, Palau and Martin have maintained a good relationship. So much so that there are those who say that, if he decides to travel across the country to see a concert (and with Martin scheduled to visit Valencia), perhaps the friendship could have evolved into something more.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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