"I would not collaborate with someone I do not admire": Interview with Siddhartha

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Siddhartha will perform at the Foro Sol on December 9 and recently premiered his song “Acapulco with Emmanuel Horvilleur.” Here is our interview with the musician.

Siddhartha released his album 00:00 in 2022 and has been on tour in recent months. But through it all, he’s taken his time to bring us some new music with songs like “Acapulco”, released just in August of this year in collaboration with Emmanuel Horvilleur.

“I obviously know Emmanuel through his music. I always really liked Illya Kuryaki and the Valderramasand when I heard his solo project I also loved it”, the Mexican composer told us in an interview about this wink of what will be his next record material that could arrive before the end of this year.

siddhartha emmanuel horvolleur
Siddhartha and Emmanuel Horvilleur recently released the song “Acapulco”. Photo: via Instagram.

Both Siddhartha and Horvilleur had known each other for some time. As the native of Guadalajara tells us, they talked a little in 2019 after a show in Mexico City. They met again that same year, but now in a concert that Sidd gave at the National Auditoriumwhere Emmanuel accompanied him to play a song.

“From there we got to know each other better, and We had the idea of ​​getting together to make a song”the Mexa musician told us in an interview. “There was a good intention to collaborate. I mean the desire to make music with someone; not by doing exchange marketing. It is making music with someone that you listen to, like, respect and admire.he added.

Here, we leave you the full interview we had with Siddhartha regarding this new song, love without prejudice, how a woman in his family encouraged him to follow his dream and more.

Siddhartha put mariachi and a lot of love on his second night at the Palacio de los Deportes
Siddhartha at the Palacio de los Deportes in 2022. Photo: Special.

Interview with Siddhartha: How was the song “Acapulco” composed?

After meeting in 2019, Siddhartha says that it was somewhat difficult to balance the schedule for the collaboration with Emmanuel Horvilleur to take place. It was not until recently, in March of this 2023 to be precise, when they were able to fully immerse themselves in their new song.

“Acapulco” is an inevitably romantic song that, broadly speaking, talks about love without prejudice. In the music video, different couples are seen that exemplify the mentioned concept, and ends with a special appearance by Mariand “Yuya” Castrejón, the musician’s partner. Siddhartha tells us in an interview how the song finally came together with the Argentine.

“I went to Buenos Aires a year ago to do a show and we took advantage of a few days before to make music. But right when I got there, he told me that his girl had got COVID, and he didn’t know if he was sick. So we couldn’t see each other.

“I was there for about a week and at the end of the week, he told me that he was fine and we saw each other earlier because I was taking a night flight. We met a couple of hours before my flight, and in that little while we composed ‘Acapulco’. It was about an hour, but there was no longer any intention of making music; It seemed difficult and forced, but in the end we ended up taking out the guitar and leaving a demo that is basically what the song is now.

Arts and entertainment: How Siddhartha chooses who he collaborates with

As he said in a previous statement, Siddhartha collaborates not for a marketing issue, but because every time he does a collaboration, he looks for artists he admires, respects and listens to. With Emmanuel Horvilleur it is no exception.

Sopitas.com: This part is incredible that it is not a collaboration for a marketing issue. It’s great when two artists come together out of full conviction. That click and that creative link seems not to be so common anymore…

Siddhartha: “I don’t like to speak for others or ‘in the shoes I haven’t been in’, but I do think there is a trend in collaborations where a lot of it is establishing an exchange to reach another audience. And that seems super healthy to me, but particularly I couldn’t do a collaboration with someone I don’t listen to, respect or admire.

“I could probably do some kind of experiment, but for me (to) sit down and make a song with someone, it’s more of an artistic and musical purpose than a marketing goal… I wouldn’t feel very honest doing a collaboration with someone. that in principle, I do not listen to his music ”.

siddhartha emmanuel horvolleur
Siddhartha and Emmanuel Horvilleur recently released the song “Acapulco”. Photo: via Instagram.

love without prejudice

“Acapulco” is a song that talks about love without prejudice; how sometimes this feeling makes certain people uncomfortable for whatever reason. Of course, although the track is understood on that subject, the artist reveals that at first he was a bit mixed up to develop the lyrics.

“Almost everything I write is a bit because of what I experience in the first person. In this case, the song still didn’t have a floating theme, but there were already some phrases and everything else started from there. At the beginning there were several scrambled issues and one of them was that (love without prejudice)…”Siddhartha tells us.

siddhartha interview
Siddhartha. Photo: via Instagram.

The man from Jalisco tells us that part of the topic came from the idea of ​​how easy it is for some people to give their opinion on love relationships, even without taking into account what the people involved feel.

“Many people have seen ourselves in cases where there are people who have an opinion of who you are or who you are with, if your relationship is appropriate or not, if they are the right age to be together …

“That is a subject that I think is approached quite lightly or with humor. It seemed silly to me that someone could say anything about something as unknown as the feelings of two people.

Siddhartha in an interview for Sopitas.com

These were the best acts we saw at Vive Latino 2022
Siddhartha at Vive Latino 2022. Photo: Special.

For Siddhartha, in addition to the lightness with which the subject is approached, it also seemed to him that it would be daring to touch it in a romantic composition. And it is a complicated case, because as he says, “It can be a friend of yours, a relative or people through social networks that destroy a couple without knowing what is happening…”.

As for the video of the song, the interpreter of “Únicos” mentions in an interview that the concept went from the personal to the plural, playing with characters that allude to some of his acquaintances.

“There was this super odd couple of friends; one is very formal always in a suit, and his girl is another fart who has a very relaxed thing. Very opposite personalities that were coinciding a lot, being a super happy and successful couple. All of that fit into the story of the video.”tells us.

Yuya’s appearance in the video and the craziest thing Siddhartha has done for love

Siddhartha’s new song says in its chorus “And we find it silly/That it seems strange to you/Although it sounds strange to you/Love is much crazier”. And as we said, at the end of the video Mariand appears briefly (better known as Yuya by internet enthusiasts). The composer tells us a bit about the background behind it, and how they played a little with her situation.

“I thought it was a very wise song and when I invited Mariand to appear in the video, it was like: ‘Yeah, let’s do it. What fun. We are going to be part of this topic that we have also experienced in our own flesh’… To vent it through something that you enjoy.

“I have done a lot of crazy things (for love) and everything I have done has a certain degree of risk. If I could choose one, it would be to leave everything for what one feels at that moment; take the flight to where you have to go, that you have to cut everything around you, your commitments. I’ve seen myself a couple of times being a little intense with it.”

Interview with Siddhartha
Yuya in the video for “Acapulco” by Siddhartha and Emmanuel Horvilleur. Photo: YouTube Capture

The love for music and the woman in his family who drove him

Talking about another kind of love…. Siddhartha has always been open about what music means to him. Songs like “El chico”, with an autobiographical feel, are proof of this. But in his life, there was someone else who pushed him to take music more seriously: his grandmother, for whom he even composed the song “Nube” after his death.

Sopitas.com: Your grandmother had a lot to do with that feeling of love for music. How did she play that role to walk you through it?

Siddhartha: “What she did was help me so that there was not something that prevented me from developing that natural feeling that I brought. I have always expressed this interest or passion for music since she could remember. So what she did was channel me into it. She didn’t drill it into me; rather, she helped me to be able to express it well“.

Siddhartha mentions in the interview that although his grandmother did not give him instruments just because, she encouraged him to practice and take drum lessons. And from what he says, she instilled in him to be consistent with it.

“One of the things in which he did help me a lot is that he never gave me anything. Rather, she took me to drum lessons and told me: ‘I’m not going to buy you a drum set until you learn to play a little’. She tested me for a long time… and she had to show her that the battery she was going to give me was worth it.

“(At the time when Siddhartha was learning the piano) he also blackmailed me a bit because in the afternoons he told me that he would make her very happy if they played some songs. She really made me study every day, because even when you’re a kid you don’t have that discipline and it’s not so easy… ”.

What comes for Siddhartha more than a year after ’00:00′

As we said at the beginning, Siddhartha has been a little over a year old since he launched 00:00an album that many could think was a watershed for his career. Sure, fans have embraced him with his previous material, but this one came at a time where he’s gotten more recognition.

“I think I have had a before and after in each album”, he tells us in an interview. “Each album has been adding a piece of this ladder that has been ascending to different forums. Now, the Foro Sol is a tremendously big thing for which I feel very grateful. with everyone who is going to make it possible.” adds the musician.

Schedule of concerts and festivals in Mexico 2023
Flyer of the concert that Siddhartha will give at For Sol in December. Photo: OCESA

It will be on December 9 when Siddhartha performs at the CDMX Sol Forum, in what looks to be the biggest concert of his career. But even with that, the one from Guadalajara does not forget how his career began in other smaller venues, although equally emblematic. The comparison of him is even nostalgic.

“Let’s say that the Foro Sol of now is the National Auditorium of three years ago, the Palace of a year ago, the Metropólitan, the Plaza Condesa… At another time, ‘mi Foro Sol’ was a bar with 200 people. The first times we were going to play Puebla with a sold out of 180 people, it was the greatest thing for us.

“Each album was taking us to a certain place. ’00:00′ obviously contributed a lot to the project’s continued growth, and it has songs that were important for my music to be known by different audiences. But I don’t think it’s a record that acted alone; I don’t think I could dare to fill a Foro Sol with just that album… I see my discography as a house that I am building to which I am putting more and more floors ”.

Siddhartha in an interview with Sopitas.com

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