Neither Malaga nor Alicante: this is the best city in Spain to live in according to foreign retirees

The retirement This is the goal of many (if not all) workers. Being able (as long as you can afford it) to live where you want and have the freedom to do what you want. In Spain there are many foreign retirees who have lived in our country since they retired. In some cases, they are people who have had a second residence in Spain during their life and who, after retiring from working life, turn it into their first.

He portal Live and Invest Overseas has made a top 10 places who to go to live after retirement, based on factors such as cost of living, climate, quality of health care and activities available. spain It is the country that takes first place of this ranking.

The article highlights the low cost of living in Spain considering living standards and quality of health. The portal states that this may come as a surprise to Americans, since Western Europe in general seems expensive to them. It also highlights the culture and history of our country, including music, gastronomy, architecture, festivals and more.

They also mention the Geographical diversity of Spainwhich is the second most mountainous country in Europe after Switzerland. This geography has created pockets of distinct cultures throughout the country, meaning there is plenty to explore and experience, the article says.

Entering the city that the article mentions as the best in Spain to retire, the name of Valencia comes to light. It is highlighted that Valencia is a great option for both a quiet retreatbeing a very attractive coastal area, as for a retirement in which one intends to make investments and generate economic benefits.

They highlight that Valencia is a city famous for its architectureincluding mosaics in different styles that come from all over the Mediterranean. Finally, they reassure the retirees by telling them that The average level of English in Valencia is sufficient so that they can live without having to learn Spanish.

As a curiosity, the other nine countries that make up the ranking after Spain are, from position 2 to 10, Portugal, Mexico, Greece, Panama, France, Montenegro, Belize, Thailand And finally, completing the top 10, Colombia.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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