You are currently viewing Netflix: 24 hours after its release, this intense French film takes number 1 of the top

It was quite predictable given the anticipation aroused by this French film! Fans are full of praise after flocking to this film which is already getting a lot of attention on Netflix.

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He is back to the delight of Netflix subscribers! Two years after his brush with death, Demba tries to change his life in the film Commuters 2. Noumouké is involved in brawls between rival neighborhoods and Soulaymaan takes his first steps as a lawyer. Will the Traoré brothers resist the wave of violence and the brutality of the events that befall them? Four years after the first part in which Chloé Jouannet played and which had already enjoyed success on the streaming platform, Commuters 2 is at the top of the ranking of the most watched films of the moment after 24 hours. For this highly anticipated sequel, we find rapper Kery James at the helm, who also stars alongside the same people as for the first film without forgetting the presence of Alessandra Sublet in the casting. Coming soon after the release of Commuters 2the fans are not disappointed by the sequel, on the contrary!

Commuters 2 : “A masterpiece”

“I have just finished Suburbs 2 and frankly thank you very much Netflix and Kery James for giving us this sequel because frankly I have almost nothing to say about it I almost preferred this sequel to the first film which was already very good”can we read on X, formerly Twitter. “Banlieusards 2, best French film of this year on Netflix”adds another. “I cried for the umpteenth time watching a film and it was worth it. Banlieusard 2 is a MASTERPIECE and thanks to the GREAT KERY. I really hope there will be a part 3 I can’t resist such unbearable suspense”comments a user. “Banlieusards 2, it’s so crazy”summarizes yet another.

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Commuters 2 : its success benefits the first film

The first part benefits from the arrival and success of Commuters 2 on Netflix to find the top 10 most watched films of the moment. Besides, if you haven’t seen it yet, you have to start with Commuters before you start Commuters 2. If the sequel is however understandable, it will allow you to better understand the psychology of the characters and their journey.

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Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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